

The Bartlett School of Architecture


Dr Rosalie Hyun-Kyung Kim PhD success

30 January 2012

We are delighted to announce that Rosalie Hyun-Kyung Kim has passed her PhD examination.

Rosalie Kim image

Rosalie Hyun-Kyung Kim passed her PhD examination with examiners Professor Mark Dorrian and .

Rosalie's architectural design thesis entitled The Hyphenation of the Void: From Eastern Ecology to Western Architecture was supervised by and .

The examiners conclude: 'Taking as a starting point the transient oriental notion of the void the thesis embarks on a journey of interpretation and discovery of practices, tropes and techniques from east and west, to define a representational language and design method in architecture.

'The thesis covers a great breadth of focused analysis in philosophy, history of art, and history of architecture alongside design experimentation. The final part, presenting three projects–the practice-led element of the research–contains compelling visual material.'

For more information on the PhD Architectural Design programme, please see here.