

History of Art


Caitrín Barrett-Donlon

PhD supervisor: Professor Mignon Nixon
Working title for PhD: ‘Revisioning: Art Historical and Museum Approaches to Dance and the Choreography of Yvonne Rainer.'

My project will address the recent work of the choreographer, Yvonne Rainer (b.1934) – one of the most important figures of postmodern dance – with the broader aim of exploring dance’s emerging place within art history and museum practices. My research aims to ‘revision’, to adapt Rainer’s term, the dominant methods of engaging with dance in these contexts. My research will contribute to the developing field at the intersection of dance and visual art, urging the integration of experimental dance within art-institutional contexts. 

Conference papers and presentations

  • 'Crush: Social Embodiment in Yvonne Rainer's ‘Concept of Dust’’, A Call for Action: Moving is Understanding, Motor Dance Journal and ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº History of Art, 12th of June 2021.