

History of Art


HART0197 Imaginary Gardens, Real Toads - Indicative Weekly Topics and Suggested Reading

HART0197 Imaginary Gardens, Real Toads: Painting in the Low Countries, 1550-1700

Indicative Weekly Reading

Week 1. Introduction.
Week 2. Alibis
Week 3. Christian Images, Iconoclasm, and Painting in the Wake of the Reformation.
Week 4. Democratized Art? The Dutch Republic and the Market for Painting 
Week 5. Serving Realness
Week 6. Emblem vs. Description 
Week 7. Still Life
Week 8. Landscapes: At Home and Abroad
Week 9. Interiors / Interiority
Week 10. Looking Forward

Suggested Reading

Seymour Slive, Dutch Painting, 1600–1800 (1998); Mariët Westermann, A Worldly Art: The Dutch Republic, 1585-1718 (2010)