

¹û¶³Ó°Ôº School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


SSEES 100: Achievements and Challenges for the Emerging Economies of Central Europe

In June 2015, ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES hosted a 3-day conference on the 'Achievements and Challenges for the Emerging Economies of Central Europe'. Copies of the papers and presentations given at the conference can be found on this page and are shown in chronological order below.

Any queries can be directed to the conference organiser, Dr Elodie Douarin (e.douarin@ucl.ac.uk)

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Monday 22 June

Keynote 1 (Chair - Jan Kubik)

  • Convergence, Divergence and the Problem of External Imbalances in the European Economy -Michael Landesmann (WIIW) View Slides
  • Discussants: Raphael Espinoza (View Slides) and Alexander Plekhanov (View Slides)

Paper Session 1.1: Crisis and Public Finance (Chair - Filipa Figueira)

  • Fiscal deficit and Public Debt in the Western BalkanÌý - Zsoka Koczan (IMF)
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  • Political Economy of Crisis Adjustment in CEE - Daniel Kral (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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  • Testing Competing Interpretations of Public Debt - Eva Kagan (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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Paper Session 1.2: Political Participation (Chair- Peter Duncan)

  • Do Economic Factors really drive Protest? - Jan Kubik (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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  • Migration and Political action - Elodie Douarin and Dragos Radu (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES) View Slides
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  • Minorities and voting - Sherill Stroschein (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SPP)
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Paper Session 2.1: Innovation (Chair - Slavo Radosevic)

  • What improves Firm Productivity more: Innovation or Mangement Practices? - Wiebe Bartz, Pierre Mohnen and Helena Schweiger (EBRD)
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  • TFP across Europe: specialisation and Catch up - Randolph Bruno, Elodie Douarin, Julia Korosteleva and Slavo Radosevic (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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  • Institutions and Innovation Systems: A Nigerian Film Industry Context - Habib Nuhu (Bradford University)
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Paper Session 2.2: Wellbeing and Welfare (Chair- Tomas Cvrcek)

  • How much should we trust Life satisfaction data? Evidence from the LiTS - Elena Nikolova and Peter Sanfey (EBRD)
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  • Inequality and Poverty in the Western Balkan - Zsoka Kocsan (IMF)View SlidesView Paper
  • Economic Shocks, Religion and Wellbeing - Elodie Douarin (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)View Slides
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Round Table (Chair - Raphael Espinoza)

  • 'Stalling Economic Growth in Emerging Europe and Central Asia' - Theo Thomas (World Bank)
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  • Discussants: Svetlana Makarova (View Slides) and Michael Landesmann
Tuesday 23 June

Keynote 2 (Chair - Allan Webster)

  • Financial Inclusion and Risk Management of Individuals and Entrepeneurs in Central Europe - Leora Klapper (WB)
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  • Discussant - Julia Korosteleva

Paper Session 3: Finance 1 (Chair - Julia Korosteleva)

  • The Impact of Loan Financing on the Performance of SMEs from non-EU Transitional Countries - Jens Holscher, Peter Howard-Jones and Allan Webster (Bournemouth University)
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  • Black Spots in Capital Structure Studies: the Case of non-existing Debt - Eugene Nivorozhkin (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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Keynote 3 (Chair-Slavo Radosevic)

  • Schumpeterian Analysis of Catch-Up and Catch-Up Cycles - Keun Lee (Seoul National University)
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  • Discussants: Helena Schweiger and Will Bartlett

Paper Session 4: Finance 2 (Chair-Eugene Nivorozhkin)

  • World Equity Markets turn their backs on Russian during the 2014 Crimean Crisis - Giorgio Castagneto-Gissey (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Energy Institute) and Eugene Nivorozhkin (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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  • Show me yours and I'll show you mine: Sharing Borrower information in a competitive credit market - Jaap Bos, Ralph De Haas and Matteo Millone (EBRD)
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  • Real Investment of Finance of Entrepeneurial Firms in Emerging Markets: Evidence for BEEPs data - Natalia Isachenkova (Kingston University), Julia Korosteleva (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES) and Yulia Rodionova
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Paper Session 5.1: Innovation II (Chair- Jan Fidrmuc)

  • A new metric of Technology Upgrading: the Central and East European countries in a Comparative Perspective - Slavo Radosevic and Esin Yoruk (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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  • Institutions, Innovations and Growth: Cross-country evidence - Florent Silve and Alexander Plekhanov (EBRD)
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  • The Limits of lending: banks and technology adoption across Russia - Catagay Bircan and Ralph De Haas (EBRD)
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  • Structural Change in the National Innovation Systems of the EU10 countries - Attila Havas (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
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Paper Session 5.2 European Integration? (Chair- Svetlana Makarova)

  • Interdependence between Core and Peripheries of the European Economy: Secular stagnation and growth in the Western Balkans - Will Bartlett (LSE) and Ivana Prica
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  • Which Way goes Romanian Capitalism? Making a case for Reforms, inclusive institutions and a better functioning EU - Daniel Daianu (National Bank of Romania) and Bogdan Murgescu
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  • Euro Adoption - Macroeconomic Benefits and Challenges - Jiri Podpiera (IMF), Johannes Wiegand and Jiae Yoo
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  • The Political Economy of a European Unemployment Scheme - Raphael Espinoza and Filipa Figueira (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES)
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Wednesday 24 June

Paper Session 6.1 : Labour Market (Chair- Randolph Bruno)

  • Talent Workers as entrepeneurs: a new approach to aspirational self-employed - Barbara Liberda, Magdalena Smyk (University of Warsaw) and Joanna Tyrowicz
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  • Labour Market Effects of EU Immigration to the UK: Individual Level Analysis - Cogdem Borke Tunali and Jan Fidrmuc (Brunel University)
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  • How Labor Market RegulationImpacts Employment? Evidence from Firm-level data - Anna Ilyina, Jiri Podpiera (IMF) and Jiae Yoo
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  • Productivity and Inequality effects of Rapid Labour Reallocation - INsights from a Meta-Analysis of Studies in Translation - Jan Svejnar, Joanna Tyrowicz and Lucas van der Velde (University of Warsaw)
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Paper Session 6.2: Currency (Chair- Igor Yegorov)

  • Hungary-A Case for Monetary Sovereignty?- Vladan Hodulak (Masaryk University) and Oldrich Krpec
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  • A Central Bank's Dilemmas in Highly Uncertain Time- Daniel Daianu (National Bank of Romania)
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  • Will the Euro ever be Adopted in East-central Europe? - Katya Kocourek
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  • Could Euro-integration Substitute Economic Ties with Russia? - Igor Yegorov (National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)
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Paper Session 7.1: Economic History (Chair- Elodie Douarin)

  • How Persistent is Social Capital? -Jan Fidrmuc (Brunel University)
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  • School, what is it good for? THe politics and economics of public education in 19th Century Habsburg Empire - Tomas Cvrcek (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES) and Miroslav Zajicek
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Paper Session 7.2: Corruption (Chair-Daphne Athanasouli)

  • A Comparative study of Market and Network Corruption - Maria Kravtsova and Aleksey Oshchepkov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
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  • How City Characteristics, Trust and Technology affect Corruption. A Multilevel Comparative Study - Julia Korosteleva (¹û¶³Ó°Ôº SSEES), Tomasz Mickiewicz and Paulina Stepien
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