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London Summer Intensive logo
London Summer Intensive logo, 2015

London Summer Intensive logo


The London Summer Intensive is a four week residency programme for artists offered by two leading art institutions, the Slade School of Fine Art and Camden Arts Centre. The Slade is a vibrant, world-renowned international art school and Camden Arts Centre is an influential space for contemporary art exhibitions and education.

Throughout August 2015, the residency focuses on independent studio practice supported by an artist facilitator and an exciting series of visiting artists. Led by key figures from the London art scene, Camden Arts Centre and the Slade, the London Summer Intensive will reflect the dynamic, rigorous and open-ended approaches to art-making championed by both institutions. It will provide a stimulating and flexible environment for a small group of artists from all over the world to experiment and make new work.

For further information and details on how to apply please see the PDF on our joint website . The deadline for applications is 28 February 2015.