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Foreign Policy (screenprint edition)
Foreign Policy (screenprint edition), Tacita Dean, 2019, Edition of 32 + 6 APs

Robson Orr TenTen Award: A Government Art Collection/Outset Annual Commission

Courtesy the artist, Frith Street Gallery, London and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York / Paris ©Tacita Dean

Tacita Dean has been awarded the Robson Orr TenTen Award 2019 by the Government Art Collection (GAC). The new work was unveiled at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Friday 27 September 2019 by Sir Simon McDonald, Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Head of HM Diplomatic Service, and Penny Johnson, Director of the GAC. The Robson Orr TenTen Award is presented jointly by the Government Art Collection with Outset Contemporary Art Fund and is sponsored by leading philanthropists Sybil Robson Orr and Matthew Orr.

Every year a British artist is commissioned to create a unique, limited edition print to be shown in diplomatic buildings across the world. A small number are available for purchase through a collaboration with the pioneering philanthropic arts organisation Outset to raise funds for the GAC acquisition fund. The 10-year scheme was launched last year with the inaugural award given to the artist Hurvin Anderson.

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