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Sophie Jung (b.1982) lives and works in Basel and London. Her practice addresses representation and its pitfalls, both culturally as a system of disguised and shifting signs and personally as a way to track and record life. Her work oscillates between form and affect, pragmatism and romance, scrutinising accuracy and magical awe. She has a deep trust in temporary definitions, to be sculpted while lazing on the apron proscenium, the pre-stage, as a fluid messenger between reception and production of time-lined purport.

Sophie Jung (b.1982) lives and works in Basel and London. Her practice addresses representation and its pitfalls, both culturally as a system of disguised and shifting signs and personally as a way to track and record life.

The video of this lecture can be viewed on .

Sophie was educated at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NE and Goldsmiths College, London, UK.

In 2016, she won the Swiss Art Award. 

Selected solo exhibitions include: Come Fresh Hell or Fresh High Water at Blain Southern, UK (2017/18) It’s Not What It Looks Like, Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna, AT (2017); Producing my Credentials, Kunstraum, London, UK (2017); Death Warmed Up, Liste Performance Project, Basel, CH (2017); New Waiting, Temnikova & Kasela, Tallinn, EE (2015); Learning About Heraldry, Ceri Hand Gallery, London, UK (2013) 

Selected group exhibitions and projects include: Unmittelbare Konsequenzen, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, CH (2016); Tarantallegra, Hester, New York, US (2016, curated by Nicoletta Lambertucci); Jungs, hier kommt der Masterplan, Kunsthalle Basel, CH (2015); Äppärät, Ballroom Marfa, Texas, US (2015); Panda Sex, State of Concept, Athens, GR (2014); read the room / you’ve got to, SALTS, Basel, CH (2014, curated by Quinn Latimer)

The video of this lecture can be viewed on .