

Reading Recovery Europe



Reading Recovery teachers identify the lowest attaining children in literacy, at age five or six, and provide intensive individual lessons, every day for 30 minutes.

The Reading Recovery teacher also works closely with the class teacher, school team and parents to support the children receiving additional help. Once trained, Reading Recovery teachers can also contribute to raising literacy standards across the school.

Benefits for Reading Recovery teachers:
  • One-to-one and group coaching to help you develop your teaching techniques;
  • Linking theory and practice through live lesson observation and analysis;
  • Keeping up-to-date with literacy subject knowledge and research;
  • Guidance and resources between professional development sessions, helping you to put what you have learnt into practice;
  • Access to high quality professional development for other programmes;
  • Ongoing professional development support for as long as you are a Reading Recovery practitioner;
  • User friendly monitoring and reporting system, allowing you to track and assess the impact upon all your pupils;
  • Opportunities to work towards Master's level credits to further your knowledge.
How to apply for Reading Recovery teacher training?

Initial Professional Development and Continuing Professional development in Reading Recovery are delivered at a local level. To book a place on the course, please contact the teacher leader at the local centre.