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Theban Tombs

Ramesside tombs and tomb-chapels allotted numbers

13. Shury, head of bearers of altars of Amun

14. Huy, pure-priest of Amenhotep

16. Panehesy, priest of Amenhotep

19. Amenmose, high priest of Amenhotep

23. Tjay, secretary of the king for royal correspondence

25. Amenemheb, high priest of Khons

26. Khnumemheb, overseer of the treasury of the Ramesseum

28. Hori, Amun temple official

30. Khonsmose, Amun treasury official

31. Khons Ta, high priest of king Thutmose III

32. Thutmose, Amun temple high steward

35. Bakenkhons, high priest of Amun

41. Amenemipet Ipy, Amun temple high steward

44. Amenemheb, pure-priest in front of Amun

45. Djehuty, steward of high priest of Amun Mery, mid Dynasty 18: tomb taken over later by Djehutyemheb, head of fine linen production of Amun temple, Ramesside

51. Userhat Neferhebef, high priest of king's spirit for king Thutmose I

54. Huy, Amun temple sculptor, mid Dynasty 18: tomb taken over later by Kener, Khons temple head of stores, Ramesside

58. original owner name unknown, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Ameneminet, temple scribe, Ramesside

65. Nebamun, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Imyseba, overseer of temple scribes in Amun domain, Ramesside

68. [Per?]-enkhnum, priest of Amun and Mut, Ramesside; tomb taken over later by Nespaneferher, overseer of temple scribes in Amun domain

105. Khamipet, priest of the noble standard of Amun

106. Paser, vizier

111. Amunwahsu, scribe of god's writings in the Amun domain

112. Menkheperraseneb, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Aashefytemwaset, priest of Amun-aashefyt, Ramesside

113. Kynebu, priest in temple for king Thutmose IV

114. name unknown, head goldsmith in the Amun domain

115. name unknown

127. Senemiah, overseer of produce, mid Dynasty 18 (?); tomb taken over later, in Ramesside Period

133. Neferrenpet, head weaver in the Ramesseum

134. Tjaunany Any, priest of king Amenhotep

135. Bakenamun, pure-priest at the fore of Amun

136. name unknown, official of the king

137. Mose, head of works of Pharaoh in every monument of Amun

138. Nedjemger, overseer of the garden in the Ramesseum

141. Bakenkhons, pure-priest at the fore of Amun

148. Amenemipet, priest of Amun

149. Amenmose, overseer of hunters of Amun

152. name unknown, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later, in Ramesside Period (?)

153. name unknown

156. Pennesuttawy, captain of troops

157. Nebwenenef, high priest of Amun

158. Tjanefer, third priest of Amun

159. Rya, fourth priest of Amun

163. Amenemhat, mayor of Thebes

166. Ramose, overseer of works in Karnak

168. Any, priest

170. Nebmehyt, scribe of recruits of the Ramesseum

173. Khay, scribe of divine offerings of the gods of Thebes

174. Ashaikhet, priest at the fore of Mut

177. Amenemipet, scribe of Truth in the Ramesseum

178. Neferrenpet Kener, scribe of the treasury in the Amun-Ra domain

180. name unknown

183. Nebsumenu, overseer of the estate in the Ramesseum

184. Nefermenu, mayor of Thebes

187. Pakhyhat, priest of Amun

189. Nakhtdjehuty, overseer of carpenters, head goldsmith, in the Amun domain

193. Ptahemheb, official of the seal in the treasury of the Amun domain

194. Thutemheb, overseer of marshland-dwellers in the Amun domain

195. Bakenamun, scribe of the treasure of the Amun domain

198. Riya, head of production-area in Karnak

202. Nakhtamun, priest at the fore of Amun

203. Wennefer, priest of Mut

207. Horemheb, scribe of divine offerings of Amun

208. Rema, priest of Amun-Ra

221. Hormin, scribe of troops in the palace of the king on the West of Thebes

222. Heqamaatranakht Ture, high priest of Mont

232. Tjerwes, scribe of the divine seal of the Amun treasury

233. Sary, scribe of the crew of the king

235. Userhat, high priest of Mont

236. Hornakht, second priest of Amun

237. Wennefer, chief lector-priest

244. Pakharu, overseer of carpenters of the Amun domain

257. Neferhotep, accountant of grain of Amun, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Meh, deputy in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period

259. head of draughtsmen in the Gold House of the Amun domain

263. Piay, granary scribe in the Amun domain

264. Ipiy, overseer of cattle

269. name unknown

270. Amenemwia, pure-priest and lector-priest of Ptah-Sokar

272. Khamipet, priest of Amun in the west, lector-priest of the Sokar temple

273. Sayemitef, scribe in the estate of his lord

274. Amenwahsu, high priest of Mont of Tod and Thebes, sem-priest in the Ramesseum

275. Soebkemose, priest in the temples of king Amenhotep III and Sokar

277. Ameneminet, pirest of the temple of king Amenhotep III

278. Amenemheb, herdsman of Amun-Ra

282. Nakht, head archer

283. Rema, high priest of Amun

284. Pahemnetjer, scribe of offerings of all gods

285. Iny, head of the production-area of Mut

286. Niay, scribe of the table

287. Pendua, pure-priest of Amun

288. Bakenkhons, scribe of god's books of Khons

289. Setau, king's son of Kush

293. Ramessesnakht, high priest of Amun

294. Amenhotep, overseer of the granary of Amun, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Rema, pure-priest of Amun, Ramesside Period

296. Nefersekheru, scribe of divine offerings of all gods

298. Baki, foreman in the Place of Truth, and Wennefer, servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth

299. Inherkhau, foreman of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth

300. Anhetep, king's son of Kush

301. Hori, scribe of crew of Pharaoh in the Amun domain

302. Paramheb, overseer of the production-area

303. Paser, head of the production-area of Amun

304. scribe of the offering-table of Amun

305. Paser, pure-priest at the fore of Amun

306. Irdjenen, door-opener of the Amun domain

309. name unknown

324. Hatiay, high priest of Sobek, scribe of the Mont temple

331. Penniut Suner, high priest of Mont

332. Penrenenutet, head guard of the granary of the Amun domain

341. Nakhtamun, head of the altar in the Ramesseum

344. Piay, overseer of herds of Amun-Ra in Thebes

346. Amenhotep, overseer of the women of the inner palace quarters for the god's priestess Tentipet

347. Hori, scribe of the district

351. Abau, scribe of cavalry

352. name unknown, overseer of the granary of Amun

362. Paanemwaset, pure-priest of Amun

363. Paramheb, overseer of singers of Amun

364. Amenemheb, scribe of the granary of Amun

369. Kamwaset, high priest of Ptah, third priest of Amun

370. name unknown, king's scribe

371. name unknown

372. Amenkhau, overseer of carpenters of the temple of king Ramesses III

373. Amenmessu, scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands

374. Amenemipet, treasury scribe in the Ramesseum

375. name unknown

376. name unknown

377. name unknown

378. name unknown

379. name unknown

381. name unknown

382. Usermont, overseer of the treasury

384. Nebmehyt, priest of Amun in the Ramesseum

385. Hunefer, mayor of Thebes

387. Meryptah, scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands

394. name unknown

395. name unknown

399. name unknown

406. Piay, scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands

408. Bakenamun, head of estate-workers of the Amun domain

409. Samut Kyky, accountant of cattle of the Amun domain

415. Amenhotep, chief physician


Theban Tombs known from early modern records, but exact location no longer known

A series: in the Dra Abu al-Nega area (1-3 north valley, 4-18 main hill, 19-25 middle valley, 26 south valley)

A3. Ruru, chief of police, New Kingdom

A11. Khamwaset, New Kingdom

A12. Nebwenenef, overseer of marsh-dwellers of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period (?)

A14. name unknown

A15. Amenemheb, head doorkeeper of the Amun domain

A16. Thuthotep, overseer of the estate in Thebes

A17. Userhat, head of measurers of the granary of the Amun domain

A18. Amenemipet, head of scribes in the Amun domain

A23. Penaashefyt, overseer of the treasury

A26. name unknown

A28. Nakht (?)

B series: area of Khokha

B1. Mehehy, pure-priest of Amun

C series: Sheikh abd al-Gurna area (1-4 north-east slope, 5-15 plain)

C7. Hormose, head guard of the treasury in the Ramesseum

D series: Qurnet Murai area

D2. Petersemsedu, New Kingdom



Ramesside Period, staff working on tomb of king (mainly living at Deir el-Medina)

1. Sennedjem, servant in the place of Truth

2. Khabekhnet, servant in the place of Truth

3. Pashedu, servant in the place of Truth

4. Qen, servant in the place of Truth

5. Neferaabet, servant in the place of Truth

6. Neferhotep and son Nebnefer, both servant in the place of Truth

7. Ramose, servant in the place of Truth

9. Amenmes, servant in the place of Truth

10. Penbuy and Kes, both servant in the place of Truth

206. Inpumheb, scribe of the Place of Truth

210. Raweben, servant in the Place of Truth

211. Paneb, servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth

212. Ramose, scribe of the Place of Truth

213. Penamun, servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth

214. Khawi, guard in the Place of Truth

215. Amenemipet, scribe of the king in the Place of Truth

216. Neferhotep, foreman

217. Ipuy, sculptor

218. Amennakht, servant in the Place of Truth

219. Nebenmaat, servant in the Place of Truth

220. Khamteri, servant in the Place of Truth

250. Ramose, scribe of the Place of Truth

265. Amenemipet, scribe of the king in the Place of Truth

266. Amennakht, chief craftsman of the Lord of the Two Lands in the Place of Turth

267. Hay, officer of workmen in the Place of Truth

268. Nebnakht, servant in the Place of Truth

290. Irynefer, servant in the Place of Truth

291. Nu, servant in the Great Place, and Nakhtmin, servant in the Place of Truth

292. Pashedu, servant in the Place of Truth

321. Khamipet, servant in the Place of Truth

322. Penmenab, servant in the Place of Truth

323. Pashedu, draughtsman in the Place of Truth

326. Pashedu, foreman

327. Terebay, servant in the Place of Truth

328. Hay, servant in the Place of Truth,

329. Mose, Mesi, and Ipy, servants in the Place of Truth

330. Ker, servant in the Place of Truth

335. Nakhtamun, servant in the Place of Truth

336. Neferrenpet, servant in the Place of Truth

337. Qen, chiseller in the Place of Truth

339. Huy and Pashedu, servants in the Place of Truth

355. Amunpahapy, servant in the Place of Truth

356. Amenemwia, servant in the Place of Truth

357. Thuthermeketef, servant in the Place of Truth

359. Inherkhau, foreman in the Place of Truth

360. Qeh, foreman in the Place of Truth

361. Huy, main carpenter in the Place of Truth


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