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Tarkhan Tomb 1702

(a disturbed burial of a woman in a wooden coffin)

Dynasty 0 or early First Dynasty (on one of the jars in the tomb was found a king's name)

Petrie: Sequence Date 78 (about 3000 BC)

finds: pottery, two siltstone bowls, the publication mentions a bull head amulet
(click on the objects on the drawing - click here to see the drawing of the tomb card)

tarkhantomb1702smallpot.html tarkhantomb1702jar.html tarkhantomb1702pots.html /museums-static/digitalegypt/tarkhan/tarkhantomb1702/tarkhantomb1702kingnamepot.html tarkhantomb1702cylinderjars.html tarkhantomb1702cylinderjars.html tarkhantomb1702cylinderjars.html tarkhantomb1702slate.html

Petrie 1914: pl. XL (tomb register)

Measurements of the tomb: 63 x 139 x 208 (depth) cm

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