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(16°54' N 33°44'E)

Capital of the Meroitic empire. The site lies near modern Kabushiya and Begrawiya. It is first mentioned in an inscription of king Arikamaninote, but earlier than this are objects of the names of Aspelta (end of the 7th century BC) found at the site. The place was well-known to classical authors. The city was important till the fourth century AD; it was later abandoned.

plan of Meroe

(click on the orange buildings for more information)

the cemeteries are located to the East (not on the map)

pottery found in Meroe | relief fragments


  • 1772 James Bruce visited the site and identified it as Meroe
  • 1821 Frédéric Cailliaud, drawings and descriptions
  • between 1842-1945 the Prussian expedition under Carl Richard Lepsius visited the site and made many drawings and plans
  • 1909-1914 excavations by John Garstang
  • 1920-1924 excavations by George Andrew Reisner (the pyramids)
  • since 1965 P. Shinnie and the University of Khartoum

excavation reports:


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