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UC 32161


The eight lines of text that are preserved on this fragment show one number each. It is one of the few instances of representations of "big numbers".

They are all written in one column. Traces of script on the left, where the papyrus breaks off, seem to indicate another column at least.

Unfortunately the text is rather damaged, and it is therefore hard to establish a mathematical regular relation between the individual lines (i.e. prove that it is indeed a table). It can be noticed, however, that the numbers are decreasing from top to bottom. The notation of the numbers shows the multiplicative style of writing for some of the higher numbers, the 100,000's are written by the sign of the tadpole for 100,000 and strokes underneath it for the respective multiplicator.

This is done likewise for 10,000 in lines 5 and 6, however, not in the first line where 20,000 is written in the traditional way.



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