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Lahun UC  32102A - translation

Year 1 month 3 of summer day 20
Crossing the river by the accountant of fishermen Senusretankh Kemeni
To Hetep-Senusret with the counted goods of the Fayum fields
Copy of the circular [....] issued (?) to the deputy Sehetep (?)
[...] of Fayum, territory of the accountant of fishermen Kem[eni?]

[           ]  copper 1 [..]  supplied [from]
[           ]   copper 1 [..]    the treasury of
[           ] copper 2 this town;
[           ] wood 1  1 received on the [...]
[           ] pottery 4 8 [of ...]
[           ]  pottery 5 5(?) Resseneb
[           ]  pottery ...         [..]  [...]
[           ] pottery 9 supplied (?)
[Total]  22   [...]



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