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raw glass: imported from the Near East?

There are some indications that Egyptians in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) did not produce raw glass, but that it was imported from the Near East.

In some Amarna letters the importing of glass into Egypt is mentioned.

A letter from Tyre (translation after Moran 1992: 235 (EA 148))
'The king, my lord, has written for glass. I give to the king, my lord, what I have on hand - 100 (units) in weight.'
Letter from Sitana mayor of Akka (translation after Moran 1992: 293 (EA 235+327))

' M(oreover), the king, my lord has wri(tten) to me for glass, (and) I herewith send 50 (units), (their) weight, to the king, my lord'

Letter from Pu-Balu, the ruler of Akka (translation after Moran 1992: 347 (EA 314))
... some glass, I (s)end it to the king, my lord, the Sun from the sk(y)
Letter from Yidya the ruler of Ashqaluna (translation after Moran 1992: 351-352 (EA 323))
'As to the king, my lord's, having ordered some glass, I (her)ewith send to the k(ing), my (l)ord, 30 (pieces) of glass.'
Letter from Sipti-B(a)l, mayor of Lakisha (translation after Moran 1992: 355 (EA 331))
'And as to the king, my (l)ord's, (having) ordered w(hate)ver glass (I) may have on hand, I herewith (s)end (it) to (the kin)g, my lord, my god...



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