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Glass: the making of an object

Coreforming is the most common way to produce glass vessels in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC). A core in the shape of the vessel interior was formed by dung/vegetal matter and clay. This core was dipped into molten glass or molten glass was poured over it. The object was then rolled over a flat hard surface (marver) to make the surface of the glass object smooth. Further glass for additional decorations could now be added. The object was slowly cooled. The cores of such vessels always look rough.

Other methods of forming glass:

Moulding: molten glass was poured into a mould, or glass powder in a mould was heated in the mould
Cold cutting: a block of glass was treated as stone, pieces were cut away (not very common, very complicated).

Nicholson 1995: 51-60


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