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Glass: Islamic Period

(click on the images for a larger picture: UC numbers on white link to more information: all dates should be taken with great caution)

see too glass weights


stained (or 'luster-painted") glass

Silver or copper would be added to the colour to be painted onto the finished blown glass object. With different temperatures of firing different effects were achieved. Date: mainly 7th - 11th century.

UC 22665
UC 22182
UC 22183
UC 22184
UC 22666
UC 22667
UC 22667


glass with cut decoration

UC 22153
UC 22154
UC 22156
UC 22160
UC 22161
UC 22200


undecorated glass

UC 22133
UC 67947
UC 67945
UC 67949
UC 67951
UC 67946


glass with applied decoration

UC 67950
UC 22122
UC 22121
UC 22422
UC 22420
UC 22006
UC 67950
UC 22122
UC 22121
UC 22422
UC 22420
UC 22006


glass with mould-blown and impressed pattern

UC 22195
UC 22031
UC 22128
UC 22233
UC 22235
UC 22646


glass with marvered trails

UC 22253
UC 22176
UC 22179
UC 22960
UC 31152
UC 22271
UV 22253
UC 22176
UC 22179
UC 22960
UC 31152
UV 22253

Carboni 2001 (exemplary catalogue of the al-Sabah Collection - Kuwait National Museum,
very useful, not least for its extensive illustrations)


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