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Food Production in Merimde

animals plants

1. Domestic animals and number of the animals bones found

  • cattle (3573)
  • sheep (840)
  • goat (38)
  • pig (6568)

  • wheat (triticum dicoccum)
  • sorghum
  • barley
  • vetch (vicia sativa augustifolia) for fodder (?)

Krzyzaniak 1977: 89

2. Wild animals and number of the animal bones found

  • wild aurochs/bos primigenius (13)
  • bubal hartebeest/alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus (became extinct) (125)
  • dorcas gazelle/gazella dorcas (and gazell leptoceros?) (131)
  • hippo/hippopotamus amphibius (235)
  • ?wild hog/sus scrofa (1)
  • ?jackal/canis aureus (1)
  • fox/vulpes vulpes and ruppells fox/vulpes rueppelli (26)
  • fennec fox/fennecus zerda (2)
  • lion/panthera leo (2)
  • African wild cat/felis silvestris libyca and sand cat/felis margarita margarita (6)
  • striped hyaena/hyaena hyaena (1)
  • striped weasel/poecilictis libyca (86)
  • cape or brown hare/lepus capensis (1)
  • hedgehoge/paraechinus deserti (3)
  • shrew/crocidura flavescens deltae (33)
  • field rat/arvicanthus niloticus (1244)
  • (field rat or sundevall's jird) (413)
  • sundevall's jird/meriones crassus perpallidu (and Libyan jirds/meriones libycus libycus?) (1053)
  • greater Egyptian gerbil/gerbillus pyramidum pyramidum (90)
  • house mouse/mus musculus (135)
  • short-tailed bandicoot Rat /nesokia indica (12)
  • lesser Jerboa/jaculus jaculus (45)

3. Birds and number of the bones found

  • ostrich/struthio camelus (7)
  • white pelican/pelecanus onocrotalus (1)
  • cormorant/phalacrocorax carbo (3)
  • african darter/anhinga rufa (2)
  • grey heron/ardea cinerea (8)
  • purple heron/ardea purpurea (5)
  • little egret/egretta garzetta (4)
  • black-crowned night-heron/nycticorax nycticorax (4)
  • little bittern/ixobrychus minutus (1)
  • anser albifrons (37)
  • mallard/anas platyrhynchos and pintail/anas acuta (66)
  • gadwall/anas strepera and wigeon/anas penelope (3)
  • northern shoveler/anas clypeata (5)
  • gargany/anas querquedula and teal/anas crecca (57)
  • pochard/aythya ferina and tufted duck/aythya fuligula (7)
  • ferruginous duck/aythya nyroca (1)
  • differents ducks (11)
  • falco spec. (2)
  • coturnix coturnix (14)
  • crane/grus grus (4)
  • (grosse Trappe)
  • crex crex (31)
  • (wachtelkoenig or wasserralle)
  • water rail/rallus aquaticus (1)
  • spotted crake/porzana porzana (1)
  • common moorhen/gallinula chloropus (2)
  • coot/fulica atra (1)
  • ?sandpiper/tringa glareola (1)
  • woodcock/scolopax rusticola (1)
  • stone curlew/burhinus oedicnemus (3)
  • sandwich tern/sterna sandvicensis (1)
  • black-bellied sandgrouse/pterocles senegallus (5)
  • short-eared owl/asio flammeus (1)
  • skylark/alauda arvensis or crested lark/galerida cristata (2)
  • wheatear/oenanthe spec. (2)
  • blackbird/turdus merula (1)
  • common raven/corvus corax (1)
  • hooded crow/corvus corone sardonius (1)
  • bones of birds unknown animal (76)

4. Fish and number of bones found

  • polypterus bichir (667)
  • mormyrus spec. (50)
  • gnathonemus cyprinoides (3)
  • hyperopsius bebe (34)
  • (unknown mormyrids) (143)
  • hydrocyon (forskalii) (7)
  • alestes spec. (22)
  • citharinus/distichodus (2)
  • barbus bynni (18)
  • barbus spec. (?bynni) (40)
  • labeo spec. (43)
  • (unknown cyprinids) (161)
  • bagrus docmac and bagrus bayad (356)
  • auchenoglanis occidentalis (12)
  • chrysichthys spec. (2)
  • eutropius niloticus (1)
  • schilbe mystus (5)
  • clarias/heterobranchus (4167)
  • malapterurus electricus (7)
  • synodontis (1805)
  • catfish/siluriformes (2191)
  • mugil spec. (166)
  • nile perch/lates niloticus (666)
  • tilapia nilotica (1153)
  • tetrodon fahaka (104)

Boessneck 1988: 13-21




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