ࡱ> 7 bjbjUU %7|7|l::::;4wB,=,=,=,=,=,=,=,=PwRwRwRwRwRwRw$y 3{vw,=,=,=,=,=vwt,=,=wttt,=,=,=Pwt,=PwttPwPw,= = t 8:,=r7PwPww0wPw{t{Pwt INDEX TO THE NAMED SHABTIS IN THE PETRIE MUSEUM OF EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Introduction The collection of Egyptian antiquities assembled by Sir W.M.F. Petrie at ӰԺ was built around a nucleus of material bequeathed to the College by Amelia Edwards, and was supplemented by finds from Petrie's own excavations and by purchases from dealers. Like the other genre catalogues written by him for the collection his Shabtis (BSAE 57, London, 1935, reprinted Warminster, 1974) was conceived primarily as a typological study, and could not be revised to take account of later accessions without misrepresenting the author's purpose. Ironically, since the introductory chapters have now dated somewhat, it is the catalogue element that remains the most useful. Some examples included here were omitted by Petrie, perhaps in order to avoid over-representation of certain types and periods. The most important of later acquisitions, notably from the Sudan Government's Antiquities Service and the Trustees of Sir Henry Wellcome, have already been published or are duplicated elsewhere, and this index is intended simply as a record of current holdings with minimal description, unpublished items being related tacitly to the period stereotypes outlined below, and only significant differences mentioned. Unless specified otherwise, all the figures are mummiform. Height (H) is in centimetres. Middle Kingdom to end of New Kingdom Shabtis of this period show the individuality which preceded mass-production, and are distinguished by a wider range of materials, forms and iconography, and often larger sizes. The earliest named examples in the present collection are of the Second Intermediate Period. Most are mummiform, but some of New Kingdom date are in the dress of daily life, which was not at first associated with the reis (overseer) function. In the absence of any statement to the contrary the implied style of the latter period is mummiform, beardless, with lappet wig, two hoes held in front and a bag or basket slung behind. The inscription, if in lines, normally contains a version of the traditional shabti text or, if in one column, merely identifies the owner as 'the Osiris N.' Third Intermediate Period The statuettes were mass-produced in faience, pottery or clay, and in either mummy or reis form. Generally the former hold two hoes with a bag slung centrally at the back. The reis figures are in the dress of daily life with short kilt, often projecting exaggeratedly in front, and have a whip in one hand, the free arm hanging down. Shabtis of the period usually wear a lappet wig with seshed headband knotted behind. Details and inscriptions are most often painted only, the text being abbreviated typically to a single column in front. Late Period Apart from a brief revival of stone as shabti material during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty the common stereotype of the Late Period is in glazed faience, mummiform with plaited Osirian beard, a back pillar and a plinth. One of the two hoes is replaced by a pick, and instead of the basket carried on the back there is a small seed-bag slung over one shoulder. In examples dating to Dynasties 27-30 the usual disposition of text incised in horizontal lines or in a column or two is often replaced by a T-form consisting of a single line with a column beneath. Although worker shabtis continue to appear in mummiform sets, the reis figure is discarded. REFERENCES Aubert, J.-F. 'Nouvelles observations sur les chaouabtis de Deir el-Bahari et autres de la 21e dynastie,' CdE 56 (1981), 15-30. Aubert, J.-F. & L. Statuettes gyptiennes (Paris, 1974). Aubert, L. Les statuettes funraires de la Deuxime Cachette Deir el-Bahari (Paris, 1998). Bourriau, J. 'Museum Acquisitions, 1989.' JEA 77 (1991), 157-64. Bovot, J.-L. 'Un roi nubien qui admirait les pharaons (Le serviteur funraire royal de Senkamanisken). La revue du Louvre no. 3 (1996), 21-8. Chappaz, J.-L. Les figurines funraires gyptiennes du Muse d'Art et d'Histoire et de quelques collections prives (Geneva, 1984). Ciho, M. Gttinger Miszellen 73 (1984), 77-9. Clayton, P.A. 'Royal Bronze Shawabti Figures.' JEA 58 (1972), 167-75. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegptiacarum (Mainz/Rhein). Cited below as CAA. Daressy, G. 'Les cercueils des prtres d'Ammon (Deuxime trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari)' Ann. Serv. 8 (1907), 3-38. David, R. The Macclesfield Collection of Egyptian Antiquities (Warminster, 1980). Dunham, D. Royal Cemeteries of Kush I, El Kurru (Boston, Mass. 1950); II, Nuri (1955); V, The West and South Cemeteries at Mero (1963). Garstang, J. El Arabeh (BSAE ERA 6, London, 1901). Gomaa, F. Chaemwese, Sohn Ramses II. g. Abhandlungen 27 (Wiesbaden, 1973). Van Haarlem, W. CAA: Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. Fasc. I (1986); II (1990). Hall, R.M. & Janssen, J.J. 'Six Inscribed Objects in the National Museum of Archaeology, Malta', CdE 59, no. 117 (1984), 14-26. Hlscher, U. The Excavation of Medinet Habu V (Chicago OIP, 1954). Kitchen, K.A. & Beltro, M. da C. Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the National Museum, Rio de Janeiro I-II (Warminster, 1988). Malek, J. 'Shabtis of Pedamenope (Theb. tb. 33) in the Ashmolean and Fitzwilliam Museums.' JEA 63 (1977), 137-141. Martin, G.T. The Royal Tomb at El-Amarna I (London, 1974). De Meulenaere, H. Le surnom gyptien la Basse poque (Istanbul, 1966). Naguib, S.A. CAA: Funerary Statuettes, Etnografisk Museum, Oslo. Fasc. I (1985). Nicholson, P.T. Egyptian Faience and Glass (Princes Risborough, 1993). Petrie, W.M.F. Shabtis (London, 1935, repr. Warminster, 1974), individual examples being referred to below as 'Petrie no. ...'; Abydos I (London, 1902); Funeral Furniture (1937); Gizeh & Rifeh (1907); Kahun, Gurob & Hawara (1890); Six Temples at Thebes (1896); Tanis II, Nebesheh (Am) and Defenneh (Tahpanhes) (1888). Petrie, W.M.F. & Brunton, G. Sedment II (London, 1924). Porter, B. & Moss, R.L.B. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings (Oxford, 1927 -). Cited as PM. Quibell, J.E. The Ramesseum (London, 1898). Ranke, H. Die gyptischen Personennamen I-II (Glckstadt, 1935-52). Cited as PN. Reiser-Haslauer, E. CAA: Uschebti II, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien. Lief. 8 (1992). Schlick-Nolte, B. & von Droste zu Hlshoff, V. CAA: Uschebtis I, Museen der Rhein-Main- Region. Lief. 2 (1984). Schneider, H.D. Shabtis I-III (Leiden, 1977). Stewart, H.M. 'Petrie's Shabtis' in Leahy, A. & Tait, J. (eds.), Studies on Ancient Egypt in honour of H.S. Smith (EES Occasional Publications 13, London, 1999), 313-5; Egyptian Shabtis (Shire Egyptology, no. 23, Princes Risborough, 1995); 'Note on an enigmatic shabti form' in JEA 86 (2000), 166-7. Thomas, A.P. Gurob I-II (Warminster, 1981). KINGS Akhenaten. Dyn. 18. Red granite. Two fragments of different shabtis. (a) Upper part, unfinished. H. 21.0. UC 24316. Petrie no. 81, pl. 29. Martin, The Royal Tomb at El- Amarna I, 73, no. 258, pl. 48. (b) Torso with 1 col. incised text. H. 17.0. UC 2236. Petrie no. 82, pls. 19, 29. Martin, op. cit. 49, no. 99, pls. 16, 33. Aubert, Statuettes, 50-2. Amasis. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Upper part with 4 ls. incised text. H. 12.2. UC 38080. Petrie no. 562, pls. 13, 22, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 214. Bourriau, JEA 77 (1991), 162 (no. 374). Amenophis II. Dyn. 18. Wood, deteriorated, with 6 ls. incised text. H. 20.5. UC 38071. Petrie no. 65, pls. 9, 16, 28. Aubert, Statuettes, 33-4. Bourriau, JEA 77, 161 (no. 274). Amenophis III. Dyn. 18. Red granite. Middle fragment with incised text in cols. H. 10.9. UC 39715. Petrie no. 80, pls. 19, 29. Aubert, Statuettes, 46-8. Schneider, Shabtis I, 310-1. Amenophis (III?). Dyn. 18. Black granite. Middle fragment with 7 ls. incised text (Schneider's version IVB) filled with yellow paint. H. 8.3. UC 40318. Ex-Wellcome coll. Apries. Dyn. 26. Green faience with 7 ls. incised text. H. 13.2. UC 38082. Petrie no. 570 pls. 13, 23, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 214. Necho II. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Torso with 5 ls. incised text (Schneider's version VIIA). H. 9.0. UC 38081. Ex-Wellcome, previously in the MacGregor collection: Sotheby Sale Catalogue June 28 - July 6, 1922, lot 1352, where said to be 'from Mitrahenneh.' Nectanebo II. Dyn. 30. Green faience. Middle fragment with 3 ls. incised text. H. 6.2. UC 8961. Petrie no. 576, pls. 13, 23, 44. Two further items, nos. 575 and 579, listed by Petrie are untraced. See also Psammetichos (I) below. Aubert, Statuettes, 246. Pinedjem I. Dyn. 21. Deep blue faience. Four exx. with 1 col. painted text. H. 10.8-13.7. UC 39860-2, Petrie nos. 255-7 (256 in reis form), pls. 17, 36. UC 40319. Ex-Wellcome. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 117. Pinedjem II. Dyn. 21. Blue faience with 6 ls. painted text. H. 16.5. UC 8968. Petrie no. 264, pls. 11, 17, 36. Schneider, Shabtis II, 117-8. Psammetichus (I). Dyn. 26. Green faience. Two fragments of different shabtis. (a) Torso with tail of nemes headdress and 9 ls. incised text (Schneider's version VIIA). H. 13.2. UC 40317. Ex-Wellcome, previously in the MacGregor collection. (b) Perhaps also the head with nemes and uraeus, UC 8960, Petrie's no. 574, pl. 44, attributed by him to Nectanebo II. Aubert, Statuettes, 211-2. Ramesses II. Dyn. 19. Green faience. Torso fragment with 4 ls. incised text. H. 8.2. UC 38072. From Memphis ?? (note pencilled on base). Aubert, Statuettes, 82. Bourriau, JEA 77, 160 (no. 267). Clayton, JEA 58, 171. Ramesses II/IV. Dyn. 19/20. Black faience. Torso fragment with 2 ls. incised text. H. 10.5 UC 38073. Petrie no. 247, pls. 11, 19, 36. Bourriau, JEA 77, 161 (no. 275). Ramesses VI. Dyn. 20. Calcite fragment with part of painted cartouche. H. 4.2. UC.39854. Petrie no. 248, pl. 36. Aubert, Statuettes, 118-9. Senkamanisken. Second Napatan Dyn. Two exx. from pyramid 3, Nuri. (a) Serpentine with incised text in 6 ls. H. 16.7. UC 13217. Dunham, Nuri, 43-4 (excavation no. 17-2 -1210), cf. figs. 197 (I 4d), 200 (8, type A). Stewart. Eg. Shabtis, 28-9, fig. 28. (b) Blue faience with incised text in 6 ls. front and 1 col. on back pillar. H. 19.1. UC 13218. Dunham, op. cit. 43-4 (excavation no. unstated), figs. 197 (III 2e), 201 (8, type C). Bovot, Revue du Louvre no. 3 (1996), 21-8. Presented by the Sudan Government. Sethos I. Dyn. 19. (A) Wood, black-varnished. Three exx. with 5-6 ls. incised text. H. 17.8-18.7. (a) UC 30214. Petrie no. 86, pls. 9, 30. (b-c) UC 40320-1. Ex- Wellcome. Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, fig. 19. (B) Schist. Two upper parts. (a) H. 6.9. UC 39719. Petrie no. 87. (b) H. 4.6. UC 39721. Petrie no. 89, pls. 9, 19, 30. (C) Faience, blue/green. Four fragments. (a) Upper part. H. 8.6. UC 39722. Petrie no. 90, pls. 9, 19, 30. (b-d) Middle fragments. H. 2.6-6.2. UC 39720, 39723, 30025. Petrie nos. 88, 91-2 (respectively, the last-mentioned from the Ramesseum, apparently stray. Quibell, Ramesseum, 9. Aubert, Statuettes, 78-81. Schneider, Shabtis II, 31-2, 95. Sheshonq III(?). Dyn. 22(?). Green faience. Lower part with 1 col. painted text. H. 11.1. UC 38074. Petrie no. 484, pls. 11, 19, 41. Identification of cartouche unsure. Aubert, Statuettes, 161. Bourriau, JEA 77, 161 (no. 306) Taharqa. Dyn. 25. Serpentine with 9 ls. incised text. H. 27.4. UC 13216. From pyramid 1, Nuri. Dunham, Nuri, 10 (excavation no. 17-2-389, cf. figs. 197(II, 1b), 200(5). Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, 28, fig. 27. Presented by the Sudan Government. Tanutamani. Dyn. 25. Blue faience. Uninscribed. H. 11.6. UC 13221. From pyramid 16, El Kurru. Dunham, El Kurru, 61, pl. 45(D). Presented by the Sudan Government. LATE DYN. 17 - EARLY DYN. 18 Thirty-six crudely carved wooden shabtis in peg form with inscriptions in black ink. From Dra Abu'l Naga. For a general account and bibliography see Schneider, Shabtis I, 296-8. The numbering of items in Petrie, Shabtis, pl. 26 is confused. It would appear that after the bottom row of numbered shabtis had been arranged, the unnumbered example was inserted between 41 and 42. In pl. 7 (inscriptions) this added item was called 42, and the subsequent four numbers were advanced by one to make 43-46, but without amending pl. 26. (This would have been awkward, for some of the original numbers inked on the objects were visible in the photographs.) The new numbers were, however, used elsewhere in the text and in the index of personal names. See the asterisked items below. J'h-ms s3-p3-jr. H. 17.1. UC 40213. Petrie no. 46, pls. 7, 16, 26 (no. 45 in pl. 26).* Jn-jt.f. H. 13.6. UC 40195. Petrie no. 28, pls. 6, 16, 25. Jn-jt.f. H. 10.6. UC 40199. Petrie no. 32, pls. 7, 16, 26. Wsr. H. 13.5. UC 40198. Petrie no. 31, pls. 7, 17, 26. S3-p3-jr. H. 25.1. UC 40212. Petrie no. 45, pls. 7, 20, 26 (no. 44).* S3-R'. H. 26.2. UC 40211. Petrie no. 44, pls. 7, 20, 26 (no. 43).* S3-htp. Two exx. (a) H. 19.5. UC 40200. Petrie no. 33, pls. 7, 20, 26. (b) H. 16.3. UC 40201. Petrie no. 34, pls. 7, 20, 26. Sn-htp. Two exx. (a) H. 16.7. UC 40209. Petrie no. 42, pls. 7, 20, 26 (unnumbered item) (b) H. 15.9. UC 40210. Petrie no. 43, pls. 7, 20, 26 (no. 42, altered to 43 on object).* T3-nhsyt. H. 18.4. UC 40197. Petrie no. 30, pls. 7, 21, 26. Tj. H. 12.1. UC 40202. Petrie no. 35, pls. 7, 21, 26. Tw-nfr. H. 12.0. UC 40203. Petrie no. 36, pls. 7, 21, 26. Ttj. Two exx. (a) H. 17.6. UC 40173. Petrie no. 6, pls. 6, 21, 24. (b) H. 14.5. UC 40174. Petrie no. 7, pls. 6, 21, 24. Ttj-'n. Four exx. H. 13.4-18.0. UC 40191-4. Petrie nos. 24-7, pls. 6, 21, 25. Ttj-nfr. Six exx. H. 9.7-19.4. UC 40185-90. Petrie nos. 18-23, pls. 6, 21, 25. Ttj-s3-jn-jt.f. Ten exx. H. 11.9-18.6. UC 40175, 40177-84, 40299(?). Petrie nos. 8, 10-17, pls. 6, 21, 24-5. Dhwty. H. 18.6. UC 40196. Petrie no. 29, pls. 7, 25. NEW KINGDOM 3st (m'yt nt Dhwty). Dyn. 19. Green faience. H. 14.8. UC 39833-4. Petrie no. 224, pls. 16, 35. 3st-nfrt (in cartouche), w. of Ramesses II. Dyn. 19. Pale green faience. Foot fragment with part column of painted text in front. H. 2.5. UC 38076. Ex-Wellcome collection. Cf. Aubert, Statuettes, 82. Jj3 (w'b). Dyn. 19. White faience. H. 19.9. UC 39831. Petrie no. 222, pls. 10, 16, 35. Jjmy (m'w n Hnmw). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 23.6. UC 38092. Petrie no. 166, pls. 6, 33. Jw (w'b nb ntrw). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 16.1. UC 39768. Petrie no. 138, pls. 14, 16, 32. Jwy (nbt pr). Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 19.8. UC 39744. Petrie no. 115, pls. 16, 31. Jwny (jmy-r k3t nt Jmn). Late Dyn. 18. Dark granite. Feet lost. Hoes, bags held in front. H. 40.0. UC 40330. Ex-Wellcome collection. Stewart in Leahy & Tait, Studies ... Smith, 313-5, figs. 1-2. Idem, Eg. Shabtis, 16-7, fig. 10. Jmn-m-jpt. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.4. UC 39794. Petrie no. 163, pls. 10, 16, 33. Jmn-m-jpt. Dyn. 19. Limestone. Hoes held in front, two yokes, pots, bag slung behind. H. 22.6. UC 40326. Ex-Wellcome, previously in MacGregor collection. Sotheby Sale Catalogue, June 28-July 6, 1922, lot 1363. Stewart in Leahy & Tait, Studies ... Smith, 313-5, figs. 3-4. Idem, Eg. Shabtis, 39, fig. 39. Jmn-m-jnt. Dyn. 18. Painted pottery. Two exx. H. 25.4, 25.0. UC 39699-39700. Petrie nos. 58-9, pls. 8, 16, 28. Jmn-ms (s-nsw wdhw). Dyn. 18. Painted pottery. H. 19.6. UC 39701. Petrie no. 60, pls. 8, 16, 28. Jmn-ms. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.8. UC 40222. Petrie no. 199, pl. 16.. Jmn-ms (jmy-hnt). Dyn. 19/20. Green faience. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. H. 13.3. UC 39846. Petrie no. 238, pls. 16, 35. Jmn-htp (hm-ntr). Dyn. 19/20. White faience. H. 12.8. UC 39844. Petrie no. 236, pls. 16, 35. Jny. Dyn. 18. Painted limestone. Female, mummiform. H. 14.9. UC 39693. Petrie no. 51, pls. 8, 16, 27. Jjmw-dj-t3-wrt. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 19.6. UC 39750. Petrie no. 121, pls. 17, 31. 'n-Mwt (m'yt nt Jmn). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 23.2. UC 39823. Petrie no. 206, pl. 16. Wn-nhw (sdm[-'] m st '3t = Deir el-Medina). Dyn. 18. Painted wood with incised text in 6 lines. Hoes held, one broad-bladed, one pointed, no basket. H.19.6. UC 40333. Presented by J. Cern. Wr-t3 (m'w n Jmn?). Dyn. 19. White faience. Mummiform holding amulets. H. 14.0. UC 39836. Petrie no. 226, pls. 17, 35. Wrt-nfrt. Dyn. 18. Black steatite. H. 14.4. UC 39709. Petrie no. 70, pls. 9, 17, 28. Wsr-m3't-R'-nht. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.4. UC 39813. Petrie no. 188 (unpubl.) Wsr-m3't-R'-nht. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.5. UC 39819. Petrie no. 195, pl. 17. Wsr-m3't-R'-nht. Dyn. 19. Green faience. In daily dress, arms down. H. 11.6. UC 39842. Petrie no. 233, pls. 19, 35. Wsr-Mntw (jdnw m hwt-nsw). Dyn. 19. Wood. In daily dress, holding amulets. H. 20.8. UC 39718. Petrie no. 85, pls. 9, 17, 30. Wsr-Mntw (qdw-ntr n jnr n Mntw). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 14.1. UC 39761. Petrie no. 132, pls. 10, 17, 32. Wsr-Mntw (w'b n Pth-Skr). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. H. 22.8. UC 39793. Petrie no. 162, pls. 10, 17, 33. Wsr-h3t (s-m'w n nb t3wy). Dyn. 18. Limestone. Upper part with pectoral. H. 18.0. UC 39694. Petrie no. 52, pls. 8, 17, 27. Schneider, Shabtis I, 192. Wsr-h3t-Jmn-m-nhh ('3 n rjt n Jmn). Dyn. 18. Painted wood with stylised bandaging. H. 20.4. UC 8825. Petrie no. 76, pls. 9, 17, 29. B3k-Jmn. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 16.1. From Rifeh. UC 39816. Petrie no. 191, pl. 17. B3k-Jmn. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.4. UC 40224. Petrie no. 201, pl. 17. B3kj. Dyn. 18. Painted limestone, Torso fragment. H. 11.0. UC 39692. Petrie no. 50, pls. 8, 17, 27. B3ky. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 16.6. UC 39749. Petrie no. 120, pls. 17, 31. B3kw. Dyn. 19. Pottery. H. 13.6. UC 39771. Petrie no. 141, pls. 17, 32. B3kt-wrt (m'yt nt Sth?). Dyn. 19. Blue faience with 1 col. painted text in front and latticed panel, waist to ankles, at back (cf. Naguib, CAA 1985, 1-3, of different owner). H. 11.6. From 'Seti temple' (pencilled note on shabti). UC 40284. Bw-jr-tw-m-hmt. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. Two exx. H. 21.3, 20.6. UC 39741-2. Petrie nos. 112-3, pls. 10, 17, 31. P3-jrj (nfw pr). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. Two exx. H. 20.9, 22.6. UC 39800, 40217. Petrie nos. 172-3, pl. 18. P3-nbw-Hr. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 14.1. UC 39817. Petrie no. 192, pl. 17. P3-R'-m-nnw-r'-nb (sdm-'). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.5. UC 39808. Petrie no. 182, pl. 17. P3-R'-h'w. Dyn. 19. Pottery. H. 18.7. UC 39769. Petrie no. 139, pls. 14, 17, 32. P3-hm-ntr (ktn tpy n hm.f). Dyn. 19. White faience. Two exx. H. 17.0. UC 28415-6. Petrie & Brunton, Sedment II, 27, pl. 78 (28-9). Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, 19, fig. 14. P3-h3rw. Dyn. 18. Painted limestone. H. 19.1. UC 39697. Petrie no. 56, pls. 8, 17, 27. P3-sr (hm-ntr tpy n Jmn). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. Two exx. H. 19.3, 7.7 (the latter a fragment). UC 39702-3. Petrie nos. 61-2, pls. 9, 17, 28. Aubert, Statuettes, 92-3. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 4-6. P3-sr (t3ty). Dyn. 19. (a) Schist. Upper part. H. 3.0. UC 39724. Petrie no. 93, pls. 9, 17, 30. (b) Blue faience. Two fragments, upper and middle. H. 7.7, 3.7. UC 39725-6. Petrie nos. 94-5, pls. 9, 17, 30. Cf. Aubert, Statuettes, 94-5. P3-sr (jt-ntr). Dyn. 19. Green faience. H. 14.8. UC 39832. Petrie no. 223, pls. 17, 35. P3-d3y. Dyn. 20(?). Wood. H. 19.0. UC 40227. Petrie no. 211, pls. 14, 17. P3y-dnw-rg3. Dyn. 20. Pottery. Eleven exx. including one reis. H. 16.5. UC 39784a-k. Petrie no. 153, pls. 14, 17, 34. Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, 20, fig. 16. P3ywt-hry (hmww). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Two exx. H. 19.7. UC 40463, 40703. Petrie no. 196, pl. 17. Pyj3 (ms-'t). Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 16.7. UC 39738. Petrie no. 109, pls. 10, 17, 30. M'j3 (m'yt). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 20.3. UC 39765. Petrie no. 135, pls. 18, 32. M'nwn3 (hry pdt). Dyn. 18. Painted wood. H. 25.2. UC 39691. Petrie no. 49, pls. 8, 18, 27. M'hw. Dyn. 18. Painted wood. H. 28.8. UC 8824. Petrie no. 75, pls. 9, 18, 29. Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, 16, fig. 9. Mwt-m-pr. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 17.0. UC 39758. Petrie no. 129, pls. 18, 32. Mwt-nfrt. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.1. UC 40223. Petrie no. 200, pl. 18. Mnw-ms (hm-ntr n Mwt). Dyn. 18. Black steatite(?). Upper part. Bags held in front. H. 17.6. UC 39706. Petrie no. 66, pls. 9, 18, 28. Mntw-htp. Dyn. 19. Wood. Three exx. (a,b) Mummiform. H. 11.4. UC 39828, 40229. Petrie no. 214, pl. 18. (c) In daily dress. H. 12.0. Probably of the same owner. UC 39827. Mr-jwnt. Dyn. 18. Black steatite fragment. H. 5.3. UC 39710. Petrie no. 71, pls. 9, 18, 28. Mry-M3't. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Two exx. H. 21.3, 19.8. UC 40218. Petrie nos. 174-5, pl. 18. Mry-R'. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. With yoke. H. 17.9. UC 39796. Petrie no. 165, pls. 18, 33. Mrw-'nh? (nbt pr). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.2. UC 40221. Petrie no. 197, pls. 18, 20. Mrn? (sdm-' n sh-ntr Pth). Dyn. 19. Limestone fragment with 4 ls. incised text. H. 9.2. From Kafr el-Batran. UC 40359. Petrie, Gizeh & Rifeh, 24. Schneider, Shabtis I, 277-8. For name see Ranke, PN I, 163(4). Larger scale suggests votive use Mhy-htp. Dyn. 18. Painted wood. H. 16.0. UC 40215. Petrie no. 77, pls. 9, 18, 29. Mhy-htp. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 17.3. UC 39735. Petrie no. 106, pls. 10, 18, 30. Ms (s m'). Dyn. 18. Painted limestone. H. 17.9. UC 39696. Petrie no. 55, pls. 8, 18, 27. Ms. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 16.0. UC 39753. Petrie no. 124, pls. 18, 32. N3fy see Nf. N3w see N. Nbt-t3-hr.tj(?) (fem.). Dyn. 19. Painted wood, crude. No implements held, but hoe and yoke shown behind. H. 18.2. UC 40233. Petrie no. 220, pls. 14, 18. Nbtj3 (fem.). Dyn. 19. Limestone. Fragment with 6 ls. incised text. H. 10.0. From Kafr el-Batran. UC 40349. Petrie, Gizeh & Rifeh, 24. Schneider, Shabtis I, 277-8. Ranke, PN I, 187 (18). Nf or N3fy (w'b n Mnw). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 18.8. UC 39759. Petrie no. 130, pls. 18, 32. Ranke, PN I, 193 (6). Nfw-nfr (hm). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 16.4. UC 40226. Petrie no. 210, pls. 14, 18, 21. Nfr-'b-hb. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 19.2. From Rifeh. UC 39751. Petrie no. 122,pls. 14, 18, 31. Nfr-rnpt. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Two exx. H. 23.3. UC 39809-10. Petrie nos. 183-4, pl. 18. Nfr-hr. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. Two exx. H. 16.2, 16.9. From Gurob. UC 39762-3. Petrie no. 133, pls. 18, 32. Nfr-hr. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 16.0. UC 40220. Petrie no. 190, pl. 18. Nfr-hr. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 17.1. From Rifeh. UC 39767. Petrie no. 137, pls. 18, 32. Nfr-htp (f.). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 21.9. UC 39797. Petrie no. 167, pls. 10, 18, 33. Nfrw. Dyn. 19. Wood. H. 16.9. UC 40228. Petrie no. 212, 14. Nrjw-nfr (rwdw). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Two exx. H. 22.2, 21.2. UC 39788-9. Petrie nos. 157-8, pls. 10, 19, 33. Nhy. Dyn. 20(?). Painted limestone, 'contours perdus.' H. 14.9. UC 39856. Petrie no. 250, pls. 11, 19, 36. Nhy (s3 nsw n h3st rswt). Dyn. 18, temp. Tuthmosis III. Wood. H. 35.0. UC 15945. Petrie no. 48, pls. 8, 19, 27. Id. Six Temples, 4, 21, pl. 2(1). Aubert, Statuettes, 36-7. Nhh-nfrty. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.7. UC 39803. Petrie no. 177, pl. 19. Nht-Jmn (jdnw n pr Jmn). Dyn. 19. White faience. H. 13.9. UC 39837. Petrie no. 227, pls. 10, 19, 35. Id. Nebesheh, 32 (tomb 31), pl. 13. Pr Jmn in title = Diospolis Inferior. Ns-p3-w3h-m3't (rwdw). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Feet lost. H. 20.7. UC 39790. Petrie no. 159, pls. 10, 19, 33. Ns-p3-R'. Dyn. 19/20. Blue-green faience. Reis. H. 11.8. UC 39843. Petrie no. 234, pls. 19, 35. Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, 20, fig. 17. Ns-p3-R' (jt-ntr n Jmn). Dyn. 19/20. Blue-green faience. Two exx. Feet lost. H. 11.2, 10.6. UC 39849-50. Petrie nos. 241-2, pls. 11, 19, 35. Ns-Mwt (m'yt nt Jmn). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. Two exx. H. 18.0, 16.8. UC 39798-9. Petrie nos. 170-1, pl. 19. N or N3w. Dyn. 19. Wood with 1 col. incised text. H. 10.5. UC 39733. Petrie no. 103, pls. 10, 18, 30. Ranke, PN I, 213 (7). Ntt-hnty (nbt pr). Dyn. 18. Painted pottery with stylised bandaging. H. 11.6. UC 39713. Petrie no. 78, pls. 9, 19, 29. Ndm (jmy-r pr wr nb t3wy). Dyn. 19, temp. Ramesses II. Green faience. H. 13.6. UC 39841. Petrie no. 232, pls. 15, 19, 35. From Saqqara? See Aubert, Statuettes, 97-8. R-3wy ('3 n h3). Dyn. 19. Green faience. H. 13.6. UC 39835. Petrie no. 225, pls. 19, 35. R'-m-hb (hm-ntr n Jmn). Dyn. 18. Painted limestone. H. 25.3. UC 40506. Petrie no. 53, pls. 8, 19, 27. R'-ms (rwdw). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 21.2. UC 39787. Petrie no. 156, pls. 10, 19, 33. . R'-ms-sw (... pr hd). Dyn. 19. Limestone. Lower fragment with long kilt. H. 7.8. UC 39734. Petrie no. 104, pls. 10, 19, 30. R'-ms-sw-r-nhh. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.5. UC 39807. Petrie no. 181, pl. 19. R'y (s). Dyn. 19/20. Blue faience. H. 11.6. UC 39847. Petrie no. 239, pls. 19, 35. Rs-sw (nbt pr). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 21.7. UC 39811. Petrie no. 185, pl. 19. Rs-sw. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 17.2. UC 39752. Petrie no. 123, pls. 19, 32. H3t-j3y (m'yt wdhw n Hnmw?). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. H. 22.1. UC 39766. Petrie no. 136, pls. 19, 32. Hwy. Dyn. 19. Black steatite. In daily dress, holding a ba-bird. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. H. 10.0 (feet lost). UC 39730. Petrie no. 100, pls. 10, 30. Hwy. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. Yoke with pots slung behind. Two exx. H. 24.2, 22.1. UC 40216, 8826. Petrie nos. 168-9, pls. 10, 19, 33. Hwt-jy (fem.). Dyn. 18. Black granite. 4 ls. incised text in front, 2 cols. behind. Hands shown without implements. Much abraded. H. 19.4. UC 40327. Ex-Wellcome collection. Hwt-Hr (m'yt). Dyn. 19/20. Wood, crudely carved with 1 col. painted text in front. Arms not shown. H. 17.5. UC 40376. Hwt-Hr-prt. Dyn. 18. Black steatite. H. 17.6. UC 39707. Petrie no. 67, pls. 9, 20, 28. Hnwt-wrt. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. Two exx. H. 15.5, 17.0. UC 39747-8. Petrie nos. 118-9, pls. 20, 31. Hnwt-mhyt (nbt pr). Dyn 18. Black steatite. H. 16.7. UC 39708. Petrie no. 69, pls. 9, 28 Hnwt-nfrt. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.2. UC 39802. Petrie no. 176, pl. 20. Hnwt-h3wt? (hsyt '3t nt Hwt-Hr). Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 29.0. UC 39739. Petrie no. 110, pls. 10, 20, 31. Htp-Mwt. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 18.1. UC 40225. Petrie no. 202, pl. 21. Htp-st.j. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 19.2. UC 39736. Petrie no. 107, pls. 10, 20, 30. H'-m-w3st, s. of Ramesses II, Dyn. 19. Four exx., probably votive rather than funerary. (a) Black schist. In daily dress, holding ba-bird. Head and feet lost. H. 17.0. From Kafr el-Batran. UC 2311. Petrie no. 99, pls. 10, 20, 30. Aubert, Statuettes, 85-91. Gomaa, Chaemwese, 76, no. 3. (b) Blue faience. Fragment from legs with titles s3 nsw, sm in column in front. H. 3.5. UC 40472. (c) White faience. Fragment from legs with part column of text in front. H. 6.1. From Gizeh. UC 40341. Petrie, Gizeh & Rifeh, 24. (d) Steatite. Fragment from legs with 2 ls. incised text in front and 1 col. behind. UC 40502. H'-m-/// (m'yt ///). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 18.9. UC 39764. Petrie no. 134, pls. 21, 32. Hnmw-p3-t3wy. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. H. 16.9. From Rifeh. UC 39756. Petrie no. 127, pls. 20, 32. Hnmw-m-wj3. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 17.3. UC 39737. Petrie no. 108, pls. 10, 20, 30. Sw-nw-r (jmy-r '3 n Dhwty). Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 21.0. UC 39743. Petrie no. 114, pls. 10, 20, 31. Sw-nw-r (qd). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.4. UC 39791. Petrie no. 160, pls. 10, 20, 33. Sbk-ms (h3ty-'). Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 15.5. UC 39760. Petrie no. 131, pls. 20, 32. Sbk-htp. Dyn. 19. Wood. H. 20.3. UC 40234. Petrie no. 221, pl. 20. Sn-m-J'h. Dyn. 18. Limestone. Feet lost. H. 30.0. UC 39690. Petrie no. 47, pls. 8, 20, 27. Aubert, Statuettes, 36. Sn3 ([sdm]-'). Dyn. 19. Limestone. Fragment with 3 ls. incised text. H. 6.8. From Kafr el-Batran. UC 40352. Petrie, Gizeh & Rifeh, 24. Schneider, Shabtis I, 277-8. Sn-nfr. Dyn. 19. Limestone. Fragment with 3 ls. incised text. H. 4.8. From Kafr el-Batran. UC 40351. Petrie, Gizeh & Rifeh, 24. Schneider, Shabtis I, 277-8. Sth (hry rjt n Jmn). Dyn. 18. Painted wood. Upper part. H. 19.5. UC 40214. Petrie no. 74, pls. 9, 20, 29. Sth-ms (s pr-hd). Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. H. 19.5. UC 36157. Petrie no. 105, pls. 10, 20, 30. For example in faience with same name and title see Hall & Janssen, CdE 59, no. 117 (1984), 17-8, fig. 3. Sd'my? (sdm-'). Dyn. 18/19. Black steatite. H. 16.0. From Gurob, tomb 20. UC 27905. Petrie no. 68, pls. 9, 20, 28. Petrie, Kahun, Gurob & Hawara, 35, 38-40, pl. 24(2). Thomas, Gurob I, cat. no. 717; II, pl. 55. Ranke, PN I, 323(14). d-ms. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. Feet lost. H. 16.4. UC 39757. Petrie no. 128, pls. 20, 32. K3n3 (hry 'fty n pr Jmn). Dyn. 18. Painted pottery. Upper part with basket and pots on yoke slung behind. H. 9.5. UC 39714. Petrie no. 79, pls. 9, 20, 29. K3-nw-r (jdnw n p3 Mnw). Dyn. 18. Limestone. H. 15.7. UC 39716. Petrie no. 83, pls. 9, 20, 29. K3-nw-r. Dyn. 19. Painted pottery. H. 18.8. UC 39755. Petrie no. 126, pls. 20, 32. K3-R'(?). Dyn. 18/19. Wood with 10 ls. incised text. H. 26.2. UC 13209. T3-jst. Dyn. 19. Painted limestone. Upper part. Bag and pots on yoke slung behind. H. 11.8. UC 39727. Petrie no. 96, pls. 9, 20, 30. T3-'n. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.7. UC 39821. Petrie no. 204, pl. 20. T3-wrt (m'yt nt Jmn). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 19.4. UC 39820. Petrie no. 203, pl.21. T3-wrt-m-hb. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 22.7. UC 39804. Petrie no. 178, pl. 21. T3-wrt-d.s (nbt pr). Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 21.6. UC 40704. Petrie no. 198, pl. 21. T3-wsrt. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 21.0. UC 39795. Petrie no. 164, pls. 10, 21, 33. T3-ns(?). Dyn. 19. Wood, crude peg form. H. 18.5. UC 40232. Petrie no. 219, pl. 21. T3-nhtw-R'. Dyn. 19. Painted wood. H. 20.7. UC 39822. Petrie no. 205, pl. 21. T3y (s). Dyn. 18. Painted wood. H. 24.2. UC 39712. Petrie no. 73, pls. 9, 21, 29. T3y-ms. Dyn. 19/20. Painted pottery. Daily dress. The statuette was found wrapped in cloth. From Heracleopolis Magna, EEF 1891. UC 39770. Petrie no. 140, pls. 21, 32. Tnr (s wdhw nb t3wy). Dyn. 19. Wood. In daily dress, holding amulets. H. 16.7. UC 39732. Petrie no. 102, pls. 10, 21, 30. Dhwty-ms (wr 5). Dyn. 19/20. Blue-green faience. Two exx. (a) H. 14.5. UC 39845. Petrie no. 237, pls. 21, 35. (b) H. 13.1. UC 39848. Petrie no. 240, pls. 21, 35. Dhwty-ms. Dyn. 19. Limestone. Middle fragment with 4 ls. incised text. H. 11.3. From Kafr el-Batran. UC 40348. Petrie, Gizeh & Rifeh, 24. Schneider, Shabtis I, 277-8. Gomaa, Chaemwese, 76, no. 3. Larger scale suggests votive use. Miscellaneous Jrty-Jmn(-'r.w?) (jt-ntr mry-ntr hq3-b3t). Dyn. 22-3. Blue faience, 1 col. incised text on back. H. 4.6. UC 13211. Ranke, PN I 42 (9-14). For title hq3-b3t see Wb. I, 416. '3-d3. Green faience. Bag and yoke with pots slung behind. H. 10.0. UC 39971. Petrie no. 368, pls. 16, 39. 'nh (jt-ntr n Jmn). Pottery, green-painted. Two exx. (a) Reis. H. 15.4. (b) Mummiform. H. 14.0. UC 39985-6. Petrie nos. 390-1, pls. 16, 39. 'nhy? (m'yt nt Jmn). Blue faience. Three exx. H. 12.0-12.8. UC 40246, 40250, 40388. 'nh.j-n-Pth (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. Two exx. each holding hoe and crook. H. 5.4.UC 40276-7, the latter inscribed also on the back. 'nh.f (jt-ntr n Jmn). Pottery, green-painted. Four exx. H. 14.3-14.9. UC 39987-9, 40449. Petrie no. 392, pls. 16, 39. 'nh.f(-n)-Jmn. Green faience. H. 10.0. UC 39993. Petrie no. 399, pl. 16. 'nh.f-n-B3stt. Blue faience. Short wig with fillet. Hoe held, bag slung over shoulder. H. 10.2. UC 40242. 'nh.f-n-Pth (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience, crude work. Reis with whip, headband and kilt. 1 col. painted text on back. H. 5.4. UC 40295. 'nh.f-n-Hnsw. Blue faience. Two exx. (a) Mummiform. H. 6.2. UC 39980. Petrie no. 385, pls. 16, 39. (b) Reis. H. 6.1. UC 39981. 'nh.f-n-Hnsw (jt-ntr n Jmn). Clay, yellow-painted. H. 9.9. UC 40044. Petrie no. 460, pls. 11, 16. 'nh.f-n-Hnsw (jt-ntr). Clay, green-painted. Two exx. H. 10.0, 12.0. UC 39994-5. Petrie no. 400, pl. 16. 'nh.f(-n)-Hnsw. Clay, blue-painted. Three exx. H. 9.9-10.4. UC 40258-9, 40413. 'nh.s-n-3st (m'yt nt Jmn). Green faience. 1 col. painted text on back. UC 40053. Petrie no. 473, pls. 11, 17, 41. 'nh.s(-n)-3st. Clay, green-painted. Three exx. Back flat. H. 9.7-10.0. UC 40265-7. 'nh.s-n-p3-R'. Pottery. Details in black. Two exx. H. 8.2. UC 40440a,b. Petrie no. 461(?), pl. 17. Donated items, identity with Petrie's example (unillust.) unsure. 'nh.s-n-p3wt. Pottery. Details in black. Two exx. H. 8.2, 8.4. UC 40380, 40457. 'nh-Hr. Pottery, painted blue-green. Back flat. UC 40249. W3s3rkn (wr hrp hmwt). Dyn. 22. Green faience. Two exx. torso fragments in reis form with 1 col. painted text on back. H. 6.2, 5.4. UC 40045a-b. Petrie nos. 464-5, pls. 11, 17, 41. Aubert, Statuettes, 163. . W3s3rkn (wr Mw). Dyn. 22. Green faience. H. 10.6. UC 38101. Petrie nos. 475-6, pls. 11, 17, 41. Aubert, Statuettes, 179. Wr-... Wood, painted black, details in yellow. Two exx. (a) Reis. H. 21.8. UC 40016. Petrie no. 427, pls. 11, 17, 40. (b) Mummiform. H. 19.8. UC 40017. Petrie no. 428, pls. 11, 17. Wsr-h3t. Blue faience. Four exx. (a) Reis (1). H. 11.5. UC 39954. Petrie no. 352, pls.17, 38. (b) Mummiform (3). H. 10.6-11.5. UC 39954-6, 40417. Petrie no. 353, pls. 17, 38. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 107-8. B3ht (sdm n Jmn). Blue faience. Two exx. both with painted text in lines in front and behind. (a) H. 10.6. UC 40476. (b) H. 9.2 (feet lost). UC 39966. Petrie no. 361, pls. 11, 17, 38. B3k(-n)-Hnsw. Blue faience. H. 8.2. UC 39947. Petrie no. 344, pls. 17, 38. B3k(-n)-Hnsw (jt-ntr n Jmn). Green faience. Four exx. H. 11.2-11.4. UC 40239, 40499, 40500(2). B3k(-n)-Hnsw. Green faience. Two exx. H. 10.6. UC 39973-4. Petrie no. 370, pls. 17, 39. 14 Miscellaneous B3k(-n)-Hnsw. Wood, painted black with details in yellow. H. 17.7 (feet lost). UC 40011. Petrie no. 425, pls. 11, 17, 40. B3ky. Green faience. H. 12.1. UC 39967. Petrie no. 363, pls. 17, 39. Bw-jrw-h'r-Mwt. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 10.1, 9.5. UC 39961, 40458. Petrie no. 356, pls. 17, 38. P3-jry. Wood, painted black with details in yellow. H. 16.8. UC 40010. Petrie no. 424, pls. 11, 17, 40. P3-wsr-Jmn (jt-ntr n Jmn). Green faience. H. 11.0. UC 40385. P3-wsr-Jmn. Pottery, blue-painted. H. 11.5. UC 40416. P3-ps-s3. Blue faience. H. 9.9 (feet lost). UC 39902. Petrie no. 300, pls. 17, 37. P3-n-3st. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 11.5, 12.3. UC 40431-2. P3-n-hrd. Green faience. H. 8.1. UC 40339. P3(-n)-dw3 (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. H. 9.6. UC 39931. Petrie no. 325, pl. 21. P3(-n)-dw3 (jt-ntr n Jmn). Green faience. Two exx. H. 12.2, 11.9. UC 40055, 40475. Petrie nos. 479-80, pls. 11, 17, 41. P3(-n)-Dhwty (jmy-r msw). Blue faience. Six exx. (a) Mummiform. H. 9.0. UC 40047-50. Petrie no. 469, pls. 11, 17, 41. (b) Reis. H. 9.0-10.7. UC 40051-2. P3-nb-Mntw. Blue faience. Five exx. variously titled. H. 9.3-9.8. (a-c) jt-ntr n Mntw. UC 40254-6. (d) jt-ntr n Hnsw. UC 40257. (e) jt-ntr n Jmn. UC 40419. P3-h3rw (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. H. 10.5. UC 28668. Petrie no. 282, pls. 17, 37. Cf. David, Macclesfield Collection, 47(19), pl. D(19). P3-h3rw. Pottery, green-painted. H. 7.7. UC 40042. Petrie no. 458, pls. 11, 17, 41. P3-hrd-n-3st. Green faience. H. 8.1. UC 39964. Petrie no. 359, pls. 17, 38. P3-d-Hnsw. Blue faience. Two exx. (a) Mummiform. H. 15.2. UC 39910. Petrie no. 308, pls. 17, 37. (b) Reis. H. 11.0 (head lost). UC 39911. P3-d-Hnsw (jt-ntr). Blue faience. Two exx. H. 8.0. UC 39949-50. Petrie no. 347, pls. 17, 38. P3-d-Hnsw. Blue faience. H. 8.0. Reis. UC 39953. Petrie no. 351, pl. 17. P3-dj-Jmn (jt-ntr n Jmn). Green faience. H. 10.5. UC 40244. P3-dj-Jmn. Blue faience. H. 11.2. UC 40278. P3-dj-Jmn. Blue-green faience. H. 10.0. UC 40479. P3-dj-Jmn (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. H. 12.7. UC 39875. Petrie no. 273A, pls. 17, 37. P3-dj-Jmn. Clay, white-painted. H. 9.0. UC 40033. Petrie no. 447, pls. 11, 17, 40. P3-djw-Jmn. Blue faience. H. 11.1. UC 40283. P3-dj-Mwt (... n Jmn). Deep blue faience. H. 10.6. UC 40338. P3-dj-Hr. Pottery, white-painted. H. 10.9. UC 40031. Petrie no. 445, pls. 11, 18, 40. P3-dj-Hnsw (w'b n Jmn). Clay, blue-painted. H. 13.1. UC 40028. Petrie no. 442, pls. 11, 17, 40. P3-dj-sw (hry wb3). Green faience. (a) Mummiform. H. 10.3. UC 39977. Petrie no. 376, pl. 17. (b) Reis with short wig and kilt, not projecting. 1 col. painted text front and back. H. 10.5. UC 40282. Petrie no. 377, pl. 17. P3y (jmy-r hmwt). Blue faience. H. 12.8. UC 40290. P3y-sr. Deep blue faience. H. 7.6. UC 13210. Pyp3y. Deep blue faience. H. 14.5. UC 39876. Petrie no. 274, pls. 11, 17. M3't-Rnnwt. Green faience. H. 9.4. UC 40245. M3't-k3-R', d. of Pinedjem I. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 12.2. UC 39863-4. Petrie nos. 258-9, pls. 19, 36. Aubert, Statuettes, 141-2. Reiser-Haslauer, CAA (1992), 45-6. Myw-hrt. Deep blue faience. H. 11.3. UC 39866. Petrie no. 261, pls. 11, 18, 36. Mwt. Blue-green faience. Basket at back in raised relief. Four exx. H. 10.5-11.3. UC 40389, 40411, 40454, also 40412 with basket rendered in paint only. Mwt-m-h3t, w. of Osorkon II. Dyn. 22. Blue faience. Lower fragment with part column of painted text. H. 5.2. UC 38077. Petrie no. 267, pls. 18, 37. Bourriau, JEA 77, 161 (no. 308). Probably identical with Mhyt-n-wsht (see below with Aubert, loc. cit.) Mwt-... (m'yt nt Jmn). Clay. Two exx. Back flat. H. 15.7. UC 40023-4. Petrie nos. 436-7, pls. 11, 18, 40. Mwt-ndmt(?). Green faience. H. 9.9. UC 40396. Mn.j-dw3-R'. Green faience. H. 8.6. UC 39963. Petrie no. 358, pls. 18 (where wrongly indexed as no. 558), 38. Mntw-m-hb (w'b). Blue faience. H. 16.7. UC 39872. Petrie no. 270, pls. 18, 37. Mry (m'yt). Blue faience. H. 12.8. UC 39887. Petrie no. 288, pl. 18. Mrt. Blue faience. Reis. H. 10.9. UC 40274. Mrt-Jmn. Blue faience. (a) Four exx. mummiform. H. 10.5-11.5. UC 39895-7, 9. Petrie nos. 295-6, pl. 18. (b) One reis. H. 10.8. UC 39898. Petrie no. 297. Schneider, Shabtis II, 122-3. Naguib, CAA (1985), 35-7. Mrt-n-Jmn. Blue faience. H. 12.2. UC 40275. Mh(?) (jt-ntr nsw ntrw). Green faience. H. 8.2. UC 39965. Petrie no. 360, pls. 18, 38. Mhyt-n-wsht (dw3t ntr). Dyn. 22. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 16.8, 5.7 (part). UC 39870-1. Petrie nos. 268-9, pls. 18, 37. Aubert, Statuettes, 166. See Mwt-m-h3t. Nb-3ht. Wood, green-painted. Two exx. H. 13.1, 14.5. UC 39997-8. Petrie no. 402, pls. 18, 39. Nb-3hty. Pottery, green-painted. Feet lost. H. 11.3. UC 39996. Petrie no. 401, pls. 18, 39. Nbt-3ht (m'yt nt Jmn). Clay, blue-painted. H. 12.7. UC 39999. Petrie no. 403, pl. 18. Nbt-3ht. Green faience. Reis. H. 11.2. UC 39937. Petrie no. 335, pls. 18, 38. Nb-nhht. Green faience. H. 10.7. UC 39938. Petrie no. 336, pls. 18, 38. Nb-ntrw (jt-ntr n Mwt). Pottery, plain, back flat. H. 10.3. UC 40243. Nb-ntrw (jt-ntr n Mwt). Pottery, painted blue. Reis wearing headband with long ties. Possibly from the same set as the previous item. H. 11.4. UC40253. Nb-Hr-3ht. Green faience. H. 12.0. UC 39968. Petrie no. 365, pls. 18, 39. Nb-dd-3st. Blue faience. H. 11.4. UC 39924. Petrie no. 317, pl. 18. Nfw-ndm. Deep blue faience. H. 11.7. UC 39886. Petrie no. 287, pl. 18. Nfr-shrw. Deep blue faience. Fragment. H. 3.0. UC 40322. Ns-Jmn (jt-ntr, mry-ntr). Clay, green-painted. Five exx. H. 11.1-11.6. UC 40000-1, 40414, 40420, 40450. Petrie no. 405, pl. 19. Ns-Jmn. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 9.9, 9.5. UC 39927-8. Petrie nos. 321-2, pl. 19. Ns-'nh.f(-n)-m3't (mry-ntr). Blue faience. H. 11.2. Two exx., reis and mummiform. UC 40270-1. Schneider, Shabtis II, 128. Cf. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 131-3. Ns-B3stt. Green faience. H. 9.0. UC 40279. Ns-p3-pr-n-nbw (jt-ntr, mry-ntr). Blue faience. H. 9.5. UC 40252. Ns-p3-hnwt-t3wy (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue-green faience. Two exx. H. 10.7, 10.3. UC 40004, 40272. Petrie no. 408, pls. 19, 39. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 9-10. Ns-p3-hr-n-t3-h3t (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. Four exx. H. 9.9-12.3. UC 39912-4, 40480. Petrie nos. 309-10, pl. 19. Ns-p3-/// (hm-ntr n Jmn). Deep blue faience. Middle fragment. H. 6.7. UC 40468. Ns-pr-n-nbw (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. Two exx. (a) Reis. H. 12.5. (b) Mummiform. H. 12.2. UC 39935-6. Petrie nos. 333-4, pls. 19, 37. Ns-Mwt. Blue faience. H. 11.7. Two exx. UC 39922-3. Petrie no. 316, pl. 19. Chappaz, Figurines funraires, no. 42. Ns-Mwt. Blue faience. H. 9.6. UC 40461. Ns-Mwt-'nht. Dyn. 22. Green faience. H. 6.9. UC 40061. Petrie no. 495, pls. 11, 19, 41. Ns-Mwt-s'nh. Dyn. 22. Clay. Details in black. Back flat. H. 5.8. UC 40077. Petrie no. 518, pls. 19, 41. Ns-Mntw. Blue faience. H. 9.7. UC 39929. Petrie no. 323, pl. 19. Ns-n-Jmn (jt-ntr, s sh-ntr Hnsw). Green faience. H. 10.7. UC 40238. Ns-n-Jmn (w'b n Jmn). Blue faience. H. 11.3. UC 39926. Petrie no. 320, pl. 19. Ns-Hwt-Hr. Pottery, painted blue-green. H. 9.5. UC 40248. Ns-Hnsw-p3-hrd. Green faience. H. 9.7. UC 40340. Cf. Reiser-Haslauer, CAA (1992), 8-9 (reis). Ns-t3-wd3t(-3ht) (m'yt nt Jmn) Blue-green faience. Feet lost. H. 15.4. UC 40439. Ns-t3-ndm. Clay, white-painted. Two exx. H. 12.9, 11.7. UC 39990-1. Petrie nos. 395-6, pls. 19, 39. Ns-... (jt-ntr n Jmn). Deep blue faience. Two cols. inked text in front. H. 14.0. UC 40406. Nt-wrt. Green faience. With yoke and pots. H. 10.8. UC 39972. Petrie no. 369, pls. 19, 39. R'-ms-wsr-t3wy. Blue faience. Feet lost. H. 10.3. UC 39970. Petrie no. 367, pls. 19, 39. Rs-tw. Deep blue faience. H. 12.8. UC 39873. Petrie no. 271, pls. 19, 37. H3tt (m'yt nt Jmn). Green faience. H. 10.4. UC 40460. Hwy. Deep blue faience. Two exx. H. 10.8, 12.9. UC 39888-9, the latter in reis form with projecting kilt, but also hoes and water-pots. Petrie nos. 290-1, pl. 19. Hnwt-mj-mhn. Wood, painted black with details in yellow. Three exx. H. 19.8-22.6. UC 40012-4. Petrie no. 426, pls. 11, 20, 40. Hnwt-mj-mhn. Wood, painted white with text panel in yellow. H. 19.2. Possibly of the same owner as the previous item. UC 40015. Hnwt-t3wy-nb. Blue faience. Two exx. (a) H. 11.0. UC 40240. (b) H. 10.8. UC 40438. Hr. Green faience. H. 11.2. UC 39881. Petrie no. 279, pl. 20. Hr (... n Jmn). Pottery, white-painted. Back flat. H. 11.0. UC 40285. Hr (jt-ntr). Blue faience. H. 11.2. UC 39975. Petrie no. 374, pl. 20. Hr. Blue faience. H. 6.0. UC 39982. Petrie no. 386, pl. 39. Hr-... (jt-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. Lower part. H. 5.2. UC 39943. Petrie no. 341, pl. 38. Hr-3h-bjt (hm-ntr). Blue faience. H. 11.8. UC 39942. Petrie no. 340, pls. 20, 38. Hr-p3-n-3st. Green faience. Two exx. H. 11.0, 8.8 (both incomplete). UC 40491-2. Hr-m-wj3-Hnsw. Blue faience. H. 9.4. UC 39976. Petrie no. 375, pls. 20, 39. Hr-m3'-hrw. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 12.7, 10.5. UC 39939-40. Petrie nos. 337-8, pls. 20, 38. Hr-hpt-3st (hm-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. H. 12.1. UC 39941. Petrie no. 339, pls. 20, 38. Hrj. Green faience. H. 7.6. UC 40046. Petrie no. 468, pls. 11, 20, 41. Htp-S3t (m'yt nt Jmn). Blue faience. H. 12.9. UC 40415. Hnmt-nt-Hnsw. Clay, white-painted. Two exx. H. 11.8, 11.1. UC 40032, 40038. Petrie nos. 446, 453, pls. 11, 20, 40. Hnsw-ms. Pottery, green-painted. H. 9.1. UC 40470. Petrie no. 383, pl. 20. Schneider, Shabtis II, 148. Shmw (hry s sh-ntr n pr Jmn). Deep blue faience. Daily dress, arms by sides. Lower part lost. H. 9.2. UC 39883. Petrie no. 281, pls. 20, 37. 3q-3q. Dyn. 22. Green faience. H. 19.3. UC 39946. Petrie no. 343, pls. 20, 38. Also fragments from duplicate figures: UC 40401, 40451-2, 40482-90. Garstang, El Arabeh, pl. 14 (unnumbered ex.). Ogden, ZS 113 (1986), 81-2. Schneider, Shabtis II, 133. d-Mntw-t3-h3t. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 11.6. UC 40268-9. Q3-wty. Green faience. Reis. H. 10.4. UC 40006. Petrie no. 413, pl. 39. T3-b3kt-nt-Hnsw. Pottery, blue-painted, skin red. Back flat. H. 8.2. UC 40381. T3(-nt)-nbw-m3't. Blue faience. H. 7.7. Two exx. (a) Reis. UC 39960. Petrie no. 355. (b) Mummiform. UC 39962. Petrie no. 357. Both on pls. 21, 38. T3-rjt-nt-Hr. Blue faience. Back flat with 1 col. painted text. Five exx. H. 5.2. UC 40296 (4), 40297 (reis). T3-djt-Jmnt. Blue faience. H. 10.1. UC 39917. Petrie no. 313, pl. 21. T3-nfr. Deep blue faience. H. 8.7. Reis. From Rifeh. UC 39905. Petrie no. 303, pl. 21. Tnt-Jmn (m'yt nt Jmn). Clay, yellow-painted. H. 10.2. UC 40043. Petrie no. 459, pls. 11, 21. Perhaps also UC 40286 in reis form, H. 9.9. Tnt-Jmn(-nb)-nswt-t3wy. Blue faience. H. 12.2. UC 39915. Petrie no. 311, pl. 21. Tnt-Jmn(-nb)-nswt-t3wy. Blue faience. H. 9.1. UC 40273. Petrie, pl. 21 (name only). Tnt-p3-mjw. Blue faience. H. 9.0. UC 39908. Petrie no. 306, pl. 21. Tnt-d't (m'yt nt Jmn). Blue faience. Two exx. (a) Mummiform. H. 11.5. UC 39951. Petrie no. 348. (b) Reis. H. 12.0. UC 39952. Petrie no. 349. Both on pls. 21, 38. Tnt-dj-Jmn. Green faience. Two exx. H. 10.7. UC 39969, 40474. Petrie no. 366, pls. 21, 39. Tstrn (in cartouche). Dyn. 22. Green faience. Four exx., none complete, max. 12.9. UC 38075, 40056-8. Petrie nos. 485-8, pls. 11, 21, 41. Aubert, Statuettes, 164. Bourriau, JEA 77, 161 (no. 307). Ddw-Sbk-dti(?). Pottery, painted black with details in yellow. H. 16.0. UC 40018. Petrie no. 430, pls. 11, 21, 40. Dhwty (sr). Green faience. Three exx. H. 11.7-12.2. UC 40395, 40455-6, the last as reis, wearing headband with long ties, cf. UC 40253 of Nb-ntrw. Dhwty-ms. Blue-green faience. Three exx. H. 9.5-10.4. UC 39930, 40337, 40478, the last as reis. Petrie no. 324, pl. 21. Dd-3st. Blue faience. Three exx. H. 10.5-10.8. UC 39944-5, the latter as reis. UC 40293. Petrie no. 342, pls. 21, 38. Dd-3st. Blue faience. Four exx. H. 11.5-11.8. UC 40260-1, 40335, 40467. Dd-J'h (hm-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. Three exx. H. 12.0. UC 39900-1, 39916, the last as reis. Petrie nos. 298, 312 (reis), pl. 19. Dd-B3stt-jw.f-'nh. Dyn. 22. Green faience. Reis, striding pose with whip, short wig and kilt. H. 11.2. UC 40054. Petrie no. 477, pls. 11, 21 (for 427 read 477), 41. Chappaz, Figurines funraires, no. 59. Dd-Mntw-jw.f-'nh. Blue faience. Upper part. H. 8.4. UC 39919. Petrie no. 314, pl. 21. Dd-Mntw-jw.f-'nh. Green faience. H. 11.6. Reis. UC 39959. Petrie no. 354A, pls. 21, 39. Dd-Mntw-jw.s-'nh. Green faience. Two exx. H. 11.5. UC 39957-8. Petrie no. 354, pls. 21, 38. Dd-Hr-'nh. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 10.3. UC 39920-1. Petrie no. 315, pls. 21, 37. Dd-Hnsw-jw.f-'nh (jt-ntr n Jmn). Clay, painted black with details in yellow. Two exx. Feet lost. (a) Reis. H. 14.3. (b) Mummiform. H. 12.8. UC 40019-20. Petrie nos. 431-2, pls. 11, 21, 40. Dd-Dhwty-jw.f-'nh (mry-ntr). Clay, blue-painted. Back flat. H. 9.2 UC 40287. Dd-Dhwty-jw.s-'nh. Dyn. 22. Green faience. Seven exx. H. 6.0. UC 40059 (6), 40060 (reis). Petrie nos. 493-4, pls. 11, 21, 41. Dd-/// (hm-ntr n Jmn). Blue faience. H. 11.9. UC 40280. LATE PERIOD 3st-m-3h-bjt, d. of Shabaka. Dyn. 25. Blue faience. H. 8.1. UC 40081. Petrie no. 531, pls. 16, 42. Aubert, Statuettes, 203. Jj-m-htp, s. of B3stt-jr-dj.s. Dyn. 29/30. Green faience. Two exx. H. 12.2, 10.4. UC 40141, 40144. Petrie nos. 612, 614, pls. 13, 22, 45. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 156. J'h-ms (sm, hm Pth), s. of Nfr-Shmt. Dyn. 27. Green faience. Three sets. (a) Two exx. text in T-form. H. 12.1. UC 40138-9. Petrie nos. 605-6. (b) Two exx. text in one column. H. 12.8. UC 38090-1. Petrie nos. 610-1. Both (a)-(b) pls. 13, 22, 45. (c) Three exx. upper parts only, text in lines. H. 12.7-16.9. UC 38089, 40095, 40101. Petrie nos. 554 (2), 559, pls. 12, 22, 43. (For suggestion of re-use, most evident in 559, see Petrie p. 15.) Aubert, Statuettes, 242-3. J'h-ms, s. of Rnpt. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 11.9. UC 40123. Petrie no. 589, pls. 13, 22, 44. J'h-ms (s-nsw), s. of Htp-B3stt. Dyn. 30. Green faience. H. 11.0. Text in T-form. UC 40135. Petrie no. 602, pls. 13, 22, 44. Schneider, Shabtis II, 157. J'h-ms, s. of Jmy-pt. Dyn. 29-30. Blue faience. H. 8.3. UC 40156. Petrie no. 628, pls. 13, 22. J'h-ms, s. of T3-rjt-qry. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. Two exx., feet lost. H. 13.8, 13.0. Text in T-form. UC 40121, 40137. Petrie nos. 587, 604, pls. 13, 22, 44-5. J'h-ms, s. of St3-jrt-bjnt. Dyn. 27-30. Blue faience. Middle fragment with 5 ls. incised text. H. 7.4. UC 40303. Indexed in Petrie pl. 22, but without serial number. J'h-ms (jmy-r rwt). Dyn. 27(?). Blue faience. Torso fragment with 5 ls. incised text. H. 9.7. UC 36133. Cf. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 29-31. Jw.f-'3 (jt-ntr, hrp hwt), s. of Mr-B3stt. Dyn. 29/30. Blue faience. Two exx. H. 9.9, 9.4. UC 40150-1. Petrie no. 621, pls. 13, 22. Jmn-jr-dj.s(t) in cartouche, (hmt-ntr). Dyn. 25. Serpentine. Four fragments. (a) Upper part. H. 12.5. UC 40085. Petrie no. 535. (b) Lower part. H. 8.9. UC 40088. Petrie no. 536. Both (a)-(b) pls. 12, 22, 42. (c)-(d) Middle parts. H. 8.9, 6.7. UC 40086-7. Petrie nos. 537-8, pls. 12, 22. Aubert, Statuettes, 195-7. Hlscher, Excav. Medinet Habu V, 23, pl. 21(A). Jmn-jr-dj.s(w), s. of Dt-r-jrw. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 11.0. UC 40131. Petrie no. 598, pls. 13, 22, 44. Jnhr-ms. Dyn. 25. Limestone. H. 17.8. UC 40090. Petrie no. 542, pls. 12, 22, 42. Jn-htpw, s. of Mr-Nt-jt.f. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 11.6. UC 40127. Petrie no. 593, pls. 13, 22, 44. Jrr. Dyn. 29/30. Blue faience. H. 11.2. UC 40147. Petrie no. 617, pls. 13, 22, 45. Jtm-htp, s. of Hwt-Hr-m-hb. Dyn. 29/30. Green faience. Two exx. H. 9.9, 10.1. UC 40153-4. Petrie no. 624, pls. 13, 22. 'nh-p3.f-hry, s. of T3-jr(t)-B3stt. Green faience. 6 ls. incised text. Three exx. H. 11.3 -12.1. UC 40404-5, 40427. 'h3-wr (hm-ntr thn?), s. of Jht-nt-Hwt-Hr. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. Feet lost. H. 12.2. UC 40118. Petrie no. 584, pls. 13 (text unnumbered), 22, 44. W3h-jb-R', s. of P3-dj-Jmn. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 12.9. UC 40125. Petrie no. 591, pls. 13, 23. W3h-jb-R'-m-3ht (jt-ntr, sm), s. of Tnt-Jmn. Dyn. 26-30. Blue faience. H. 14.9. Text in T-form. From Letopolis? UC 40115. Petrie no. 580, pls. 13, 23, 44. Aubert, Statuettes, 262. Stewart, Eg. Shabtis, fig. 31. W3h-jb-R'-m-3ht (hm-ntr n W3dyt), s. of M-h3t (Ranke, PN I, 143.7). Dyn. 26. Dark green faience. 9 ls. incised text. H. 18.8. UC 40329. From Nebesheh? (cf. Aubert, Statuettes, 261). Ex-Wellcome collection. W3h-jb-R'-mry-Pth (sm-nsw), s. of Smtt. Dyn. 29-30. Faience, glaze lost. H. 10.1. From Memphis? UC 40316. Petrie no. 607. pls. 13, 23. Aubert, Statuettes, 262. Cf. Naguib, CAA(1985), 101-4. W3h-jb-R'-nb-hb, s. of Dj-Pth-j3w. Dyn. 26. Blue faience. H. 12.2. UC 40111. Petrie no. 571, pls. 13, 23, 43. Wn-mn-Hp(?) Dyn. 29-30. Green faience. H. 9.6. UC 40152. Petrie no. 622, pls. 13, 22. Wsjr-jr-dj.s (rh-nsw), s. of 'nh.f-n-p3-R'. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Two exx. Feet lost. H. 11.6, 14.7. UC 40098-9. Petrie no. 557, pls. 12, 22, 43. (Petrie's observation on p. 15 that this figure was re-used seems doubtful, perhaps confused with no. 559, see J'h-ms, s. of Nfr-Shmt.) Wsr-h3t. Blue faience. 1 col. painted text in front. H. 11.4. UC 40292. Wd3-Hr-rsnt (sm), s. of Nfr-Shmt. Dyn. 27-30. Faience, glaze lost. Text in T-form. H. 11.3. From Leontopolis? UC 40136. Petrie no. 603, pls. 13, 22, 44. Aubert, Statuettes, 260-2. Wd3-w, w. of Nectanebo I. Dyn. 30. Green faience. Lower fragment. 1 col. incised text in front. H. 4.8. UC 38083. Ex-Wellcome, previously in MacGregor collection. Bourriau, JEA 77 (1991), 162 (no. 377). Aubert, Statuettes, 245. P3-3bw-mh, surnamed Psmtk-snb (sd3w-bjty), s. of '3-h3 and T3-wpt-nfrt. Dyn. 26. Blue faience. Incised text in lines and (UC 40313 only) i col. on back pillar. Two exx. H. 16.2, 15.6. UC 40312-3. Aubert, Statuettes, 223. De Meulenaere, Le surnom, no. 16. P3-jw(-n)-Hr, s. of Jw-k3(?). Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 10.9. UC 4109. Petrie no. 623, pls. 13, 23. Naguib, CAA (1985), 105-6. Chappaz, Figurines funraires, no. 112. Ranke, PN I, 100(9). P3-mjw, s. of Tnt-nfr. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. Feet lost. H. 14.3. From Letopolis? UC 40097. Petrie no. 556, pls. 12, 22, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 262. P3-h3ty, s. of Nb-n-wd3t. Dyn. 30(?) Blue faience. H. 16.2. UC 19659. Petrie no. 642, pls. 13, 22, 45. Schneider, Shabtis II, 209. Nicholson, Egn. Faience and Glass, fig. 33. P3-rj(-n-t3)-jht, s. of Hm-Hr. Dyn. 30. Green faience. Two exx. H. 10.5, 8.9 (the latter incomplete). UC 40142-3. Petrie no. 613, pls. 13, 22, 45. Naguib, CAA (1985), 109-10. P3-kp, s. of Hrrt. Dyn. 30. Blue faience. 5 cols. incised text. H. 12.6. UC 40328. From Wellcome collection. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 172. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 69-70. Chappaz, Figurines funraires, no. 114. P3-dj-Jmn, s. of s. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 11.0. Text in T-form. UC 40140. Petrie no. 609, pls. 13, 22. P3-dj-Jmn-jpt (hry-hbt hry-tp). Dyn. 25. Serpentine. Three fragments. H. 9.0-15.0. UC 40082-4. Petrie nos. 532-4, pls. 12, 18, 42. Aubert, Statuettes, 201-2. Malek, JEA 63 137-41. Van Haarlem, CAA (1986), 71-3. Ciho, GM 73 (1984), 77-9. P3-dj-Wsir. Early Ptol. Faience, bichrome glaze, dark and light blue. H. 12.5. UC 40160. Petrie no. 643, pls. 13, 22, 45. Id. Abydos I, 39, pl. 79(2). Schneider, Shabtis II, 174. P3-dj-B3stt. Dyn. 29/30. Green faience. H. 8.5. UC 40145. Petrie no. 615, pls. 13, 18, 45. P3-dj-Pth (hm-ntr). Dyn. 29/30. Green faience. H. 6.7. UC 40157. Petrie no. 634, pl. 22. P3-dj-nb-ntrw, s. of T3-dj(?). Late? Blue faience. Crudely modelled. Arms not indicated. 1 col. incised text in front. H. 9.1. UC 40294. P3.f-t3w-Nt ('3 n h3). Dyn. 26, temp. Amasis. Blue faience. Upper part. H. 13.6. UC40093. Petrie no. 546, pls. 12, 22, 42. Id. Nebesheh, 36-7, pl. 13. Aubert, Statuettes, 226. Psmtk, s. of Jmn-jr-dj.s. Green faience. H. 18.7. UC 40114. Petrie no. 578, pls. 13, 22, 44. Psmtk (ktn), s. of T3-htrt. Green faience. Torso fragment. H. 9.9. UC 40096. Petrie no. 555, pls. 12, 22, 43. Psmtk-'nh (hry-hbt hry-tp), s. of Nfr-rnpt. Dyn. 30. Blue faience. H. 14.5. UC 40116. Petrie no. 582, pls. 13, 22, 44. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 181. Psmtk-mn, s. of Nt-jkr(?). Blue faience. 1 col. incised text in front and on back pillar. H. 10.4. UC 40307. Psmtk-mry-Pth (jmy-r h'ww nsw). Dyn. 26. Green faience. Upper part. H. 11.8. UC 40100. From Saqqara. Petrie no. 558, pls. 12, 22, 43. Schneider, Shabtis II, 181. Aubert, Statuettes, 226-7. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 100-2. Psmtk-snb. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Fragment 1 col. incised text front. H. 3.6. UC 40495. Pth-htp (jt-ntr). Dyn. 29/30. Blue faience. H. 7.4. UC 40155. Petrie no. 626, pls. 13, 22. Mrj? (jmy-r hwnw wr m Nnj-nsw = Heracleopolis). Green faience. H. 13.5. UC 40146. Petrie no. 616, pls. 13, 22, 45. Mrnw3 (hmt nsw). Second Napatan Dynasty. Blue-green faience. H. 14.5. From tomb 85, south cemetery, Mero. UC 13222. Dunham, The West and South Cemeteries at Mero, 366, figs. 198(D,E), 201(D). Presented by the Sudan Government. Mdjqn (in cartouche), w. of Anlamani, Second Napatan Dynasty. Blue faience. H. 18.0. From pyramid 27, Nuri. UC 13219. Dunham, Nuri, 110(IV 1d), figs. 198(10), 204(10). Presented by the Sudan Government. N3y.f-'3-rwd, s. of Hnw-wr. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. Two exx. H. 10.1, 8.6. UC 40132-3. Petrie no. 599, pls. 13, 22, 44. Ns-Pth (s-nsw mnfyt), s. of p-n-Spdt. Dyn. 25. Green faience. Upper part. H. 8.8. UC 38079. Petrie no. 543, pls. 12, 23, 42. Bourriau, JEA 77, 162 (no. 373). Ns-Hr. Dyn. 26. Blue faience. H. 16.9. UC 40092. Petrie no. 545, pls. 12, 23, 42. Nt-jqr (dw3t ntr), d. of Psammetichus I. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Upper part. One line incised text. H. 8.9. Ex-Wellcome coll. UC 38078. Aubert, Statuettes, 232. Hlscher, Excav. Medinet Habu V, 28, pl. 21(F). H3rw3 (jmy-r pr dw3t-ntr), temp. Amenirdis I. Dyn. 25. Serpentine. Two exx. Text incised in lines. No back pillar. (a) Complete. Eight lines text. H. 18.1. UC 10681. Acquired by Glanville: Sotheby Sale Catalogue, 27 July, 1937. (b) Upper part. H. 12.6. UC 30151. Petrie no. 540, pls. 12, 23, 42. Schneider, Shabtis II, 154. Schlick-Nolte, CAA (1984), 77-9. PM I, 68. Hp, s. of Tnt-Jmn. Blue-green faience. Torso fragment. Text incised in lines. H. 10.0. UC 40494. Cf. Petrie, pl. 23 (Bologna). Hp-jjr-'3jw, s. of Ns-W3dt(?). Dyn. 30. Green faience. 1 col. incised text on back pillar. H. 10.1. UC 40304. Petrie, pl. 23 (Vatican). For name cf. Ranke PN I, 40(4), 237(8); Schneider, Shabtis II, 186-7. Hp-mn (sm), s. of B3stt-jr-dj.s. Dyn. 30-Ptol. Green faience. Three exx. (a) Upper part. H. 14.7. Text incised in lines. UC 40107. Petrie no. 567, pls. 13, 23, 43. (b) H. 14.3. Text in T-form. UC 40120. Petrie no. 586, pls. 13, 23, 44. (c) Feet lost. H. 11.3. Text in T-form. UC 40108. From Memphis. Schneider, Shabtis II, 187. Aubert, Statuettes, 262. Hm-k3, s. of Hkr. Dyn. 30. Blue faience. Four exx. H. 6.3-6.6. UC 40158. Petrie nos. 635-8, pls. 13, 23. Hr (rp't, h3ty-'), s. of Wd3-w. Dyn. 30(?). Green faience. Two exx. Text in T-form. H. 15.7, 16.3. UC 40117, 40237. Petrie no. 583, pls. 13, 23, 44. Aubert, Statuettes, 252. Hr (wp-ntrwy), s. of Hr-jb-R'? Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 12.9. From Mendes? UC 40104. Petrie no. 563, pls. 13, 23, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 263. On the title see De Meulenaere, Mendes II, 180, n. 48. Hr, s. of Mw.k-Nt-rwd(?) Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 14.5. UC 40119. Petrie no. 585, pls. 13, 23, 44. Hr-wd3 (hm-ntr Nt), s. of dt. Dyn. 30. Green faience. Eleven exx. H. 21.0-23.0, some incomplete. From Hawara. UC 28053-5, 28060-1, 28667, 40094(5). Petrie nos. 547-53, pls. 12, 23, 42. Petrie, Kahun, Gurob and Hawara, 9, 18-9. Aubert, Statuettes, 253-4, fig. 154. Schneider, Shabtis II, 191. Van Haarlem, CAA (1986), 74-7. Hr-wd3, s. of Dj-3st. Dyn. 26. Blue faience. Head lost. H. 9.3. UC 40110. Petrie no. 569, pls. 13, 23, 43. Hr-p3-hrd. Green faience. Upper part only. 1 col. incised text on back pillar. H. 7.2. UC 40392. Hr(-m)-3h-bjt. Dyn. 29/30. Blue faience. H. 10.4. UC 40149. Petrie no. 620, pls. 13, 23. Hr(-m)-3h-bjt, s. of Ns-t3-nfrt. Green faience. H. 11.1. UC 40465. Cf. Petrie, Shabtis, pl. 23 (161T). Hr-m-htp, s. of Hnw-r-B3stt. Green faience. Middle fragment. H. 7.1. UC 40102. Petrie no. 560, pls. 12, 23, 43. Hr-m3'-hrw (s-nsw), s. of Mrt-Nt. Blue faience. Upper part. H. 12.2. UC 40103. Petrie no. 561, pls. 13, 23, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 234. Hr-s3-3st, surnamed Psmtk-m-3ht (jmy-r htm), s. of Pth-jr-dj-s(w) and T3-dj-s(t). Dyn. 26. Faience, glaze lost. Fragment incised text in lines. H. 6.9. UC 40310. Aubert, Statuettes, 224. De Meulenaere, Le surnom, no. 62. Hsw, s. of Ns-Mwt. Dyn. 26. Blue faience. H. 10.8. UC 40112. Petrie no. 572, pls. 13, 23, 43. H3'-h3ty-jr-B3stt, s. of Ns-Mwt. Green faience. Incised text in lines. H. 15.2. UC 40314. H3m-Hnsw (hrp hwt). Green faience. Upper part. Incised text in lines. H. 10.1. UC 40311. Hnm-jb-R'. Green faience. 1 col. incised text in front. H. 12.1. UC 40306. Hdb-Nt-jrt-bjnt (in cartouche), king's wife (hmt nsw), unidentified. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Lower part lost. H. 10.0. UC 38084. Petrie no. 573, pls. 13, 23, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 213. Bourriau, JEA 77, 162 (no. 376). Smn-Pth-Psmtk, s. of T3-rjt-Shmt. Blue faience. Middle fragment. Incised text in lines. H. 8.0. UC 40493. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 195. Ciho, GM 73 (1984), 77-9. p-n-wpt II (dw3t ntr). Dyn. 25. Serpentine. Upper part. H. 9.6. UC 40089. Petrie no. 539, pls. 12, 20, 42. Aubert, Statuettes, 197. Hlscher, Excav. V, 27, pl. 21(D). Q3-m-hswj. Dyn. 27-30. Blue faience. Lower part. H. 7.9. UC 40126. Petrie no. 592, pls. 13, 23. T3-dj(t)-m-htp-jj-Nt. Dyn. 26. Green faience. Upper part. H. 11.9. UC 40109. Petrie no. 568, pls. 13, 23, 43. T3bjry, w. of Piankhy. Dyn. 25. Blue faience. H. 7.8. Uninscribed. From tomb 53, El Kurru. UC 13220. Dunham, El Kurru, 88 (type a), pl. 46 (A). Presented by the Sudan Government. Th-k3(?) (s3-mr.f priest, s jrw in Heracleopolis), s. of J'h-t3y.s-nht. Dyn. 29-30. Blue faience. Incised text in lines. Torso. H. 15.0. UC 40302. Cf. Aubert, Statuettes, 260. T3-n-hb. Dyn. 30. Green faience. H. 14.6. UC 40113. Petrie no. 577, pls. 13, 23, 44. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 200. T3w-Jmn, s. of K3t-s3t-Nt. Dyn. 27. Green faience. 1 col. incised text on back pillar. H. 16.6. UC 40331. Cf. Schneider, Shabtis II, 201-2. Purchased by J. Cern. Tnt-jqr, d. of Nfrj(?). Dyn. 27-30. Blue-green faience. Three exx. H. 10.1-10.5. UC 40128-30.. Petrie nos. 594,6,7, pls. 13, 23, 44. Ts(?) (hm-ntr mn, s htpw-ntr Jmn). Blue faience. 1 col. incised text in front. H. 9.4. UC 40308. For mn, 'offerings', see Wb. II, 66. Dj.s(t)-Pth. Dyn. 30(?) Faience, glaze lost. Incised text in T-form. Upper part. H. 5.7. UC 40300. D3(?), s. of Rnpt-nfr. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. Head and shoulders lost. H. 10.2. UC 40124. Petrie no. 590, pls. 13, 23, 44. Dhwty-m-h3t, s. of Tnt-B3stt. Dyn. 27-30. Green faience. H. 8.8. UC 40134.. Petrie no. 601, pls. 13, 23. Naguib, CAA (1985), 126-7. Dsr (hm n B3stt), s. of Hr-'nh. Dyn. 27-30. Blue-green faience. Two exx. H. 19.8. UC 40106, 40236. Petrie no. 565, pls. 13, 23, 43. Aubert, Statuettes, 270. Dd-Hr, s. of Ns-Nbtht. Dyn. 26(?) Green faience. Middle fragment. H. 9.0. UC 40105. Petrie no. 564, pls. 13, 23, 43. Dd-Hr, s. of Wd3-w. Ptolemaic. Blue faience. Three exx. H. 11.5-13.7. From Abydos. UC 40162, 40163(2). Petrie nos. 646-7, pls. 23, 45. Petrie, Abydos I, 38, pl. 79(1). Aubert, Statuettes, 265-6. Dd-Hr, s. of Ds(?). Dyn. 30(?) Blue faience. H. 11.0. UC 40159. Petrie no. 641, pls. 13, 23. Dd-Hr (s-nsw), s. of W3dt. Dyn. 30. Green faience. H. 18.7. UC 40091. Petrie no. 544, pls. 12, 23, 42. 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