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Denderah: translation
of stela UC 14326 and Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow I.1.b 32

  1. ... rejoice ...
  2. ... her beautiful ... (her) heart being free from evil (?) ... who pleases the heart of her husband, the king's daughter Sobkemheb,
  3. ( life!) prosperity ! health ! begotten by the good god Sekhemre-Wadjkhaw , and born of the great royal (wife) Nubemhat. He says: O you living who are upon earth, (every) scribe,
  4. every wab-priest, every lector-priest, every ka-priest, inspectors of priests of the temple of (the Goddess) Gold (=Hathor), who shall enter this temple (...),
  5. who shall recite from this stela, which I have made in the (temple) of Hathor, and which I have placed at the stairway of the lady of life,
  6. as you love to see the beauty of Hathor in her barque, when her beauty is raised up, as you love to see the beauty of Horus, uniter of the Two Lands,
  7. in Denderah, appearing in his beautiful festivals, and to be stable on your thrones and (bequeath) your (offices) to your children, so shall
  8. you say: An offering which the king gives to Hathor, mistress of Denderah, Re-Harakhti and the gods who are in the upper parts (of the temple) in
  9. Denderah, that they may grant invocation-offerings of bread, beer, oxen, fowl, clothing, incense, oil and all good and pure things on which a god lives, pure offerings of the temple of (the Goddess) Gold (=Hathor),
  10. meals of the temple of Horus to the ka of the king's son, officer of the ruler's crew, Ameni, born of the royal wife Haankhes.

after: Stewart 1979: 18; Hodjash/Berlev 1982: 86-93, no. 41


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