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Amulets: symbols of power

UC 38589, date: 6th dynasty - First Intermediate Period     djed pillar (Dd 'stability'), symbol of Osiris, as an amulet attested from the end of the Old Kingdom (about 2686-2181 BC) to the early Roman Period
UC 2093 UC 38573     ankh (anx 'life')appears at the end of the Old Kingdom (about 2686-2181 BC) and in the First Intermediate, especially popular in the 18th Dynasty, later rare
UC 52057 UC 52069 UC 52065 tiyet knot (or knot/girdle of Isis) associated with female blood
UC 45359         menit 'counterpoise' - small-scale versions of the counterweights to heavy necklaces - symbol of the power of goddesses



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