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Bibliography for culture and burials customs (all periods)
(for the abbreviations see here: )

Aston 1994. D.A. Aston. The shabti box: a typological study.Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 74 (1994) 21-54

Aston 2000. D.A. Aston.Canopic Chests from the Twenty-first Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period. 膅ypten und Levante (2000). 159-178

Aubert/Aubert 1974. Jacques-F Aubert. Liliane Aubert. Statuettes egyptiennes. chaouabtis, ouchebtis. Paris

David 2000. A. Rosalie David. Mummification in: Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology edited by Paul T. Nicholson and Ian Shaw, Cambridge. 372-389

Feucht 1971. Erika Feucht. Pektorale nichtkoeniglicher Personen. 膅yptologische Abhandlungen 22. Wiesbaden

Ikram/Dodson 1998. Salima Ikram/Aidan Dodson. The Mummy in Ancient Egypt. London

L黶cher 1990. Barbara L黶cher. Untersuchungen zu 鋑yptischen Kanopenk鋝ten - Vom Alten Reich bis zum Ende der Zweiten Zwischenzeit. H腂 31. Hildesheim

M黮ler-Winkler 1987. Claudia M黮ler-Winkler. Die 鋑yptischen Objekt-Amulette. OBO Series Archaeologica 5. Freiburg Schweiz

Niwinski 1988. Andrzej Niwinski. 21st Dynasty coffins from Thebes. Chronological and typological studies. Mainz am Rhein. Theben Bd. 5. Mainz

Niwinski 1989. Andrzej Niwinski. Studies on the illustrated Theban funerary papyri of the 11th and 10th centuries B.C. OBO 86. Freiburg, Schweiz

Petrie 1914. W M F Petrie. Amulets, illustrated by the Egyptian Collection in University College. London

Petrie 1935. W. M. F. Petrie. Shabtis : illustrated by the Egyptian collection in University College, London, with a catalogue of figures from many other sources. British School of Egyptian Archaeology 57. London

Petrie 1937. William Matthew Flinders Petrie Funeral Furniture and Stone Vases. London

Pusch 1979. Edgar B.Pusch. Das Senet-Brettspiel im alten 膅ypten (2 volumes). M黱chener 鋑yptologische Studien. Heft 38

Raisman/Martin 1984. Vivien Raisman. Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. Canopic equipment in the Petrie Collection. Warminster

R鰏ing 1990. F.W. R鰏ing. Qubbet el Hawa und Elephantine. Zur Bev鰈kerungsgeschichte von 膅ypten. Stuttgart

Schneider 1977. Hans D. Schneider. Shabtis. Leiden 1977 (2 volumnes)

Stewart 1986. H.M. Stewart. Mummy Cases & Inscribed Funerary Cones in the Petrie Collection. London

Stewart 2000. H.M. Stewart. Note on an enigmatic shabti form. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 86 (2000). 166-167

Vanlathem 2001. Marie-Paule. Scarab閑s de coeur in situ. Chronique d'Égypte. Bulletin périodique de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, Bruxelles LXXVI (2001). 48-56

Varga 1961. E., Varga, Les Travaux Preliminiaires de la Monographie sur les Hypocephales. Acta Orientalia XII (1961), 235-47


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