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Athribis (Hut-Repyt) Upper Egypt

Site in Upper Egypt (to be distinguished from the larger city in Lower Egypt: Athribis is the Greek version for two different ancient Egyptian names, Hut-herib in Lower Egypt, and Hut-Repyt in Upper Egypt). There Ptolemaic and Roman temples and an important Ptolemaic tomb, known as the 'Zodiac tomb'.

Three are the remains of three Egyptian style temples at Athribis. The 'temple of Physkon' seems to be the oldest, belonging already to the Late Period with a pylon built by Ptolemy IX (Physkon). A second pylon was built by the same ruler. The 'temple of Auletes' was built by Ptolemy XII.

distribution list of the finds made by Petrie | Athribis on maps of Egypt | the white monastery | tomb with a painted zodiac | 'temple of Auletes'


  • Petrie 1908 (Petrie's excavation report)
  • Arnold 1999: 10, pl.V, 83, 206, 211-12, fig. 163 (interpretation of the architecture including reconstructions)



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