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Architecture in Early Dynastic Egypt

There are many examples of funerary architecture. Most important are the royal funerary complexes at Abydos and the mastaba tombs of high officials at certain other places (Tarkhan, Gizeh). These tombs belong to the earliest examples of monumental architecture in Egypt. The niched facades of monumental brick superstructures are generally thought to indicate Mesopotamian influence, though the manner of transmission is disputed (land or sea route from Iraq to Egypt?).

(click on the image to see site with the buildings in detail)

Abydos, the royal tombs
Tarkhan, tombs of nobles
royal tomb at Abydos
tombs at Tarkhan

Temple architecture is generally heavily destroyed. In most cases not enough is preserved to give a clear picture.

temple building at Abydos
Early Dynastic temple at Koptos


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