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The Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten

The boundary stelae of Akhenaten are unique in the surviving record. Among the oldest recorded statements at the foundation of a city, they take the form of rock inscriptions in the cliffs around Akhetaten 'the horizon of the Aten'. Akhetaten is the city founded by king Akhenaten (reigned about 1351-1334 BC) in the desert bay in Middle Egypt halfway between ancient Memphis and Thebes. The inscriptions are the first kingship monuments written mainly in Late Egyptian, closer to the spoken language of New Kingdom Egypt (1550-1070 BC) than the courtly and more formal Middle Egyptian from the Middle Kingdom (2025-1700 BC). This modernisation of written language would have created a strong impact on the ancient reader. The contents are also radical; they present the city as a monument made by the king for the only god he worshipped, the sun-god Ra in his most visible form, the sun-disk (in Egyptian: Aten). This marks the greatest upheaval in the religious history of ancient Egypt, and is often labelled the first recorded instance of monotheism (exclusive belief in one god).

After the death of Akhenaten, the city ceased to be the royal power-base under the boy-king Tutankhamun, and its monuments were dismantled under subsequent rulers such as Horemheb. By the reign of Ramesses II, the name and image of Akhenaten were being destroyed, to remove his presence from eternity, on account of his exclusion of other gods from worship and support by the king; the images above the inscriptions on the boundary stelae were erased in the course of this destruction, along with references to the king within the inscriptions.

There are two groups of stelae, identified by letter in Egyptological publications:

  1. stelae X, M, K on the northern and southern ends of the cliffs east of the city, on the east bank of the river: they are heavily damaged, and the date at the start is difficult to read, perhaps year 6 of the reign of Akhenaten - the three have the same inscription, with the dedication of the city to the Aten
  2. eleven more stelae, the best preserved being stela S, all with more or less the same inscription, opening with the date year 6, providing clearer demarcation of the limits of the city, extending across the fields to the west which would presumably have provided the main food source for the city.

The inscription specifies that the king is never to pass the boundaries: this was interpreted in some earlier studies as evidence that king Akhenaten remained within the city limits for the rest of his life, but there is evidence that he continued to travel around the country. The phrasing may be intended instead to fix the city limits against expansion into terrain not originally consecrated in dedication to the sun-god.

In year 8 of the reign of Akhenaten an inscription was added, renewing the dedication of the city by the king to the sun-god.

The following transliteration and translation give the contents of the later group, based mainly on stela S, at the southeastern corner of the area: there is an incomplete and now fragmentary cast of this in the Petrie Museum.




rnpt-sp 6 Abd 4 prt sw 13
nTr nfr hr Hr mAat
nb pt nb tA itn anx wr
sHD idbwy anx it.i
anx ra-Hr-Axty Hay m mAat
m rn.f m Sw nty m itn
di anx Dt HH
itn anx wr imy sd
Hry-ib pr itn m Axt itn
anx Hr kA nxt mr itn
nbty wr nsyt m Axt itn
Hr nbw wTs rn n itn
nswt bity anx m mAat nb tAwy
nfr-xprw-ra wa-n-ra
sA ra anx m mAat nb xaw
Ax-n-itn aA m aHa.f
di anx Dt HH




Regnal year 6 month 4 of winter, day 13
Young god, content with what is Right,
lord of sky, lord of earth, sun-disk, alive, great,
illuminating the two riverbanks, alive, my father,
the living Ra-Horakhty rejoicing in what is Right,
in his name as Shu which is in the sun-disk,
given life for ever and eternity,
sun-disk, alive, great, who is in the sed-festival,
amidst the domain of the sun-disk in Akhetaten;
the living Horus strong bull, beloved of the sun-disk,
he of the Two Goddesses, great in kingship in Akhetaten,
Horus of gold, who raises the name of the sun-disk,
dual king, who lives on what is Right, lord of the two lands,
Neferkheperura sole one of Ra,
son of Ra, who lives on what is Right, lord of sunrisings,
Akhenaten, great in his lifespan,
given life for ever and eternity.


The king and his wife


nTr nfr wa n ra
qmA.n itn nfrw.f
Ax ib mAa n ir sw
sHtp sw m hrrt kA.f
ir Axt n ms sw
xrp tA n di sw Hr st.f
sDfA pr.f n Dt m HHw Hfnw m xt
wTs itn saA rn.f
di wn tA n ir sw
nswt bity anx m mAat nb tAwy
nfr-xprw-ra wa-n-ra
sA ra anx m mAat nb xaw
Ax-n-itn aA m aHa.f
di anx Dt HH
irt pat aAt m aH
nfrt Hr ant m Swty
nbt rSwt Xnmt Hswt
Haat.tw n sDm xrw.s
Hmt nswt wrt mrt.f
nbt tAwy nfr-nfrw-itn
nfrt-ii.ti anx.ti Dt HH


The king and his wife


Young god, sole one of Ra,
whose beauty the sun-disk created,
truly effective in heart for the god who made him,
he who makes him content with what pleases him,
he who does what is useful for the one who bore him,
he who directs the land for the one who placed him on his throne,
he who provisions his personal estate with millions and hundred thousands of offerings,
he who raises the sun-disk and magnifies his name,
he who causes the earth to be for its maker,
dual king, who lives on what is Right, lord of the two lands,
Neferkheperura sole one of Ra,
son of Ra, who lives on what is Right, lord of sunrisings,
Akhenaten, great in his lifespan,
given life for ever and eternity.
The leading woman of nobles, great in the palace,
perfect of appearance, beautiful in the double plume,
mistress of joy, united with favour,
whose voice people rejoice to hear,
great wife of the king, his beloved
mistress of the two lands, Neferneferuaten,
Nefertiti, granted life for ever and eternity.


The king visits the city


hrw pn iw.tw m Axt itn
m pA imw n psSt
iry.n Hm.f anx wDA snb m Axt itn
nty rn.f r pA itn hrw
xayt Hm.f anx wDA snb Hr Htri
Hr wrryt aAt n Dam
mi itn wbn.f m Axt
mH.n.f tAwy m mrwt.f
Ssp tp wAt nfrt r Axt itn
m sp tpy n gm.tw.s
ir Hm.f anx wDA snb r snt.s
m mnw n pA itn mi wDt.n it.f
anx ra-Hr-Axty Hay m mAat
m rn.f m Sw nty m itn
di anx Dt HH
r irt n.f mnw m Xnw.s
di mAa aAbt aAt m t Hnqt
iwAw wnDw kAw Apdw
irp dqr sntr rnpyt nbt nfrt
m hrw n snt Axt itn n pA itn anx
Sspw Hsw mrw Hr-tp anx wDA snb
n nswt bity anx m mAat nb tAwy
nfr-xprw-ra wa-n-ra
sA ra anx m mAat nb xaw
Ax-n-itn aA m aHa.f
di anx Dt HH
Smt m xntyt
smnt in Hm.f anx wDA snb
Hr wrrt.f m-bAH it.f
anx ra-Hr-Axty Hay m mAat
m rn.f m Sw nty m itn
di anx Dt HH
Hr pA Dw rsy iAbty n Axt itn
stwt itn Hr.f m anx wAs
Hr rnpi Haw.f ra nb


The king visits the city


On this day One was in Akhetaten
in the mat tent
made by His Presence, may he live, prosper and be well, in Akhetaten,
called the Sun-disk is Content.
Sunrise by His Presence, may he live, prosper and be well, on horse,
on the great chariot of fine gold,
like the sun disk when he rises from the horizon,
and has filled the two lands with his love.
Moving ahead perfectly to Akhetaten,
on the first time of discoverying it
by His Presence, may he live, prosper and be well, for its foundation,
as a monument to the sun disk as commanded by his father,
the living Ra-Horakhty rejoicing in what is Right,
in his name as Shu which is in the sun-disk,
given life for ever and eternity,
to make a monument for him within it.
Causing there to be offered a great offering of bread and beer,
oxen, cattle, bulls, birds,
wine, fruit, incense, all good plants,
on the day of foundation of Akhetaten for the living sun disk,
who receives favours, who is loved for the life, prosperity and health
of the dual king, who lives on what is Right, lord of the two lands,
Neferkheperura sole one of Ra,
son of Ra, who lives on what is Right, lord of sunrisings,
Akhenaten, great in his lifespan,
given life for ever and eternity.
Proceeding south,
resting by His Presence, may he live, prosper, be well,
on his chariot before his father
the living Ra-Horakhty rejoicing in what is Right,
in his name as Shu which is in the sun-disk,
given life for ever and eternity,
on the southeastern mountain of Akhetaten,
with the rays of his father on him in life and power,
making his body young every day.

Oath of the king


anx Dd.n nswt bity anx m mAat nb tAwy
nfr-xprw-ra wa-n-ra
sA ra anx m mAat nb xaw
Ax-n-itn aA m aHa.f
di anx Dt HH
anx it.i anx ra-Hr-Axty Hay m mAat
m rn.f m Sw nty m itn
di anx Dt HH
nDm HAty.i
Hr tA Hmt nswt Hr Xrdw.s
nty rdit iAw Hmt nswt wrt
nfr-nfrw-itn nfrt-ii.ti anx.ti Dt HH
m pAy HH n rnpt
iw.s Hr drt pr-aA anx wDA snb
rdit iAw sAt nswt mrt-itn
sAt nswt mkt-itn nAy.s Xrdw
iw.w Xr drt tA Hmt nswt
tAy.sn mwt r nHH Dt
pAy.i anx n mAat nty ib.i r Ddt.f
nty bn Dd.i sw m aDA r nHH Dt

(south stela:)

ir pA wD rsy nty Hr pA Dw iAbty n Axt itn
ntf pA wD n Axt-itn pAy
pAy ir.i aHa r r-a.f
bn sn.i sw r rsy r nHH Dt
ir pA wD rs imnt r aqA.f
Hr pA Dw rsy n Axt itn aqA sp sn

(middle stela:)

ir pA wD Hry-ib nty Hr pA Dw iAbty n Axt itn
ntf pA wD n Axt-itn pAy
ir.i aHa r r-a.f Hr pA Dw wbnw n Axt-itn
bn sn.i sw r wbnw r nHH Dt
ir pA wD Hry-ib nty Hr pA Dw imnty n Axt itn
r aqA.f aqA sp sn

(north stela:)

ir pA wD mHty iAbty n Axt itn
ir.i aHa r r-a.f
ntf pA wD mHty n Axt-itn pAy
bn sn.i r xd r nHH Dt
ir pA wD mHty nty Hr pA Dw imnty n Axt itn
r aqA.f aqA

(city area)

xr ir Axt itn
SAa m pA wD rsy
nfryt r pA wD mHty
m xAi r iwd wD r wD
Hr pA Dw iAbty n Axt itn
irw n itrw 6 xt 1 rmn 1/4 mH 4
m mitt SAa m pA wD rsy imnty n Axt itn
r pA wD mHty imnty
Hr pA Dw imnty n Axt itn
irw n itrw 6 xt 1 rmn 1/4 mH 4 aqA sp sn


xr ir Xnw pAy fd wD
SAa m pA Dw iAbty r pA Dw imnty
Axt itn r Haw.s tAy
iw.s n it.i anx ra-Hr-Axty Hay m mAat
m rn.f m Sw nty m itn
di anx Dt HH
m Dww m xAswt m sxt
m mAwt m qAyt m nxbw
m AHt m mw m dmiw m wDbw
m rmT m mnmnt
m StAw m xt nbt
irrw pA itn pAy.i it sxpr.sn r HH Dt


bn wsf.i pAy anx
irw.i n pA itn pAy.i it r HH Dt
Hrw iw.f mn Hr wD n inr
m pA tAS rsy iAbty
m mitt m pA tAS mHty iAbty n Axt itn
mitt iw.f mn Hr wD n inr
m pA tAS rsy imnty
m mitt m pA tAS imnty n Axt itn
bn ftt.tw.f bn ia.tw.f bn krp.tw.f
bn iaaw.tw.f m qADw bn iry wHHy.f
ir HH.f ir wHwH.f
ir hAy pA wD nty sw Hr.f
iw.i r smAwy.f anw m mAwt
m tAy st nty sw im

Oath of the king


Oath spoken by the dual king, who lives on what is Right, lord of the two lands,
Neferkheperura sole one of Ra,
son of Ra, who lives on what is Right, lord of sunrisings,
Akhenaten, great in his lifespan,
given life for ever and eternity.
As my father lives the living Ra-Horakhty rejoicing in what is Right,
in his name as Shu which is in the sun-disk,
given life for ever and eternity,
as my heart is sweetened
over the king's wife, over her children,
that old age be granted to the great king's wife
Neferneferuaten Nefertiti granted life eternally,
in this million years,
while she is under the hand of Pharaoh may he live, prosper and be well,
and old age be granted to the king's daughter Meretaten
and the king's daughter Meketaten her children,
while they are under the hand of the king's wife
their mother for ever and eternity,
my oath in truth, that I wish to say,
that I do not say falsely, for ever and eternity:

(south stela:)

The southern stela which is on the eastern mountain of Akhetaten
it is the stela of Akhetaten,
that I have made to stand in its position:
I will never exceed it southwards for ever and eternity,
the southwest stela being made facing it,
on the southern mountain of Akhetaten in precision.

(middle stela:)

The middle stela which is on the eastern mountain of Akhetaten,
it is the stela of Akhetaten,
that I have made to stand in its position on the mountain of orient of Akhetaten:
I will never exceed it to the orient for ever and eternity,
the middle stela which is on the western mountain of Akhetaten being made
facing it in precision.

(north stela:)

The northeast stela of Akhetaten
I set up in its position,
this is the northern stela of Akhetaten:
I will never exceed it sailing north for ever and eternity,
the northern stela which is on the western mountain of Akhetaten being made
facing it precisely.

(city area)

Now for Akhetaten
from the southern stela
to the northern stela,
measuring the distance stela to stela
at the eastern mountain of Akhetaten,
making six river-lengths, 1 1/4 fractions and 4 cubits,
and likewise from the southwest stela of Akhetaten
to the northwest stela,
on the western mountain of Akhetaten,
making six river-lengths, 1 1/4 fractions and 4 cubits.


As for the interior of these four stelae,
from the eastern mountain to the western mountain
this is the whole of Akhetaten,
it belongs to my father the living Ra-Horakhty rejoicing in what is Right,
in his name as Shu which is in the sun-disk,
given life for ever and eternity,
cliffs, the mountains, the marshes,
the new fields, the high grounds, the added fields,
the fields with water, the landing-stages, the riverbanks,
the people, the herds,
the thickets, everything
that the sun-disk my father causes to grow, for ever and eternity.


I will not break this oath
that I have made for the sun-disk my father, for ever and eternity.
It is now established on a stela of stone
on the southeastern boundary,
likewise on the northeastern boundary of Akhetaten,
and established likewise on a stela of stone
on the southwestern boundary,
likewise on the western boundary of Akhetaten.
It is not to be hacked out, it is not to be washed away, it is not to be defaced,
it is not to be plastered over, it is not to be made to vanish.
If it fades, if it crumbles,
if the stela bearing it falls down,
I will restore it back again
in this place where it is.

Renewal of the oath in year 8


m wHm pAy.i anx
m rnpt-sp xmn tpy prt sw xmn
iw.tw m Axt-itn
iw pr-aA anx wDA snb aHa
xaw Hr wrryt aAt n Dam
Hr ptr nA wDw n pA itn
nty m pAy Dw
m pA tAS rsy iAbty n Axt itn

Renewal of the oath in year 8


Repeating my oath
in regnal year 8, first month of winter, day 8.
One was in Akhetaten,
Pharaoh, may he live, prosper and be well, stood
and appeared on the great chariot of fine gold,
to inspect the stelae of the Aten
which are in this mountain
as the southeastern boundary of Akhetaten




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