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Abydos Tomb V

(only the brick built sub structures survived)

Owner: king Khasekhemwy


Dreyer et al. 1998: 164-167; Dreyer et al. 2000:122-128 (on the German re-excavation of the tomb)
Petrie 1901: 12, pl. LXIII

measurements: 68.97 m long, 10.04-17.06 m wide


Finds from the tomb in the Petrie Museum

UC 36852, 36863-70, seal impressions with the name of the king; UC 36861 seal impression of the king's mother Nimaathap (Kaplony 1963: pl. 86)


UC 8569/8570 part of a washing dish
(Davies 1987: 111 - chemical analysis)

UC 8568 washing dish
UC 8572 double copper spout from a ewer
UC 8572


copper tools:



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