Title= An Examination of Examinations 24 point marking scheme ; anything following a semi-colon is a comment ;input and output files data=C:\Facets\ExaminationOfExaminationsMark24.csv ; ; data in the .csv file Output=ExOfEx-ExampleMark24.out ;name of output file for text ScoreFile=Tables-OutputScoresMark24; ; generate csv files for output summaries csv=yes Gstats=Yes HeadingLines=No ;This should stop headers coming in the scores files ; data description Facets=3 ; number of facets * Labels= 1,Candidate 1-100 ;!!!check that max N is high enough for labels * 2, Paper 1=Ancient 2=MedMod 3=Essay 4=Polit * 3,Examiner ;!!!check that max N is high enough for labels 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=E 6=F 7=G 8=H 9=I 10=J 11=K 12=L 13=M 14=N 15=O 16=P 17=Q 18=R * ; the Model line specifies the model ; ?,?,? means that all three facets 1,2 and 3 are to be estimated ; R24 means it is a 24-point rating scale, alpha+ to delta Model= ?,?,?,R24 ;Rating scale model * ; at least one facet has to be non-centred or the model is not identified noncenter = 2,3 ; specify the layout in the yardstick columns ; N: Numbers, L: Labels; * Counts Vertical=1N,2L,3L,SL ; specify the vertical axis of the yardstick Yardstick (columns lines low high extreme)= 10,25,-1,1,End ; the output listings to be produced Arrange = 1m, 1N, 2m, 2N, 3m, 3N * inter-rater=3 ; facet 3 is the rater