

LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


FEG Scanning Electron Microscope

Transmission Electron Microscope

  • Zeiss Gemini 300 SEM
  • Secondary electron detectors
  • Retractable Backscatter electron detector
  • STEM detector
  • Atlas 5 with Scan generator
  • Tandem decel sample bias
  • Variable pressure (and nanoVP)

Transmission Electron Microscope 120kV

Transmission Electron Microscope

  • FEI 120kV Tecnai
  • Compustage
  • Tilt tomography
  • Fischione holders
  • OSIS digital camera
  • Gatan digital camera



  • Leica stereoscope
  • Long working distance
  • Digital camera with LAS

Fluorescence inverted light microscope

Fluorescence inverted light microscope

  • Leica inverted microscope
  • LED fluorescence
  • Colour digital camera with LAS



  • Leica Ultracut FC
  • 50-500nm sections
  • -80C to -120C
  • Diamond cryo knives

Room Temperature Ultramicrotome

Room Temperature Ultramicrotome

  • Leica UC7
  • 50-500nm sections
  • Program countdown
  • Digital camera
  • Diamond knives

Freeze Substitution

Freeze Substitution

  • Leica AFS2 with FSP
  • Fully programmable freeze substitution
  • Auto liquid handling
  • Stereoscope

High Pressure Freezer

High Pressure Freezer

  • Leica EMPACT
  • High pressure freezer
  • Flat and tube system
  • 14,000C/second
  • 2000 bar

Glass Knife maker

Glass Knife maker

  • Leica Knife maker
  • KMR3
  • Reproducible glass knives



  • Leica Med020
  • Carbon coater
  • Carbon/platinum
  • Rotary shadow


Data analysis

  • 96 Gb RAM, 12 cores
  • Quadro K6000
  • Amira, Imaris, iTEM, Digital Micrograph, Volocity and Fiji

Critical Point Dryer

Critical Point Dryer

  • Leica CPD
  • Fully automated
  • Coverslips, grids and mesh baskets

"Son of Beast"

Data analysis

  • 96Gb RAM, 12 cores
  • Amira, IMOD, iTEM, Fiji, Volocity