
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, 果冻影院

Catalogue of Glenny Collection - GLE/1/1-GLE/1/4 class descriptions

GLE/1/1 - Memoirs, transcripts of interviews with Russian émigrés and related papers

Previous numbers: part I items B1, B2d, B3b, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8 and B9

This material was collected by Glenny and Stone in preparation for the writing of "The Other Russia".

Contents: published and unpublished memoirs; transcripts of recorded interviews; presscuttings of interviews, obituaries, articles and transcripts of broadcasts

8 boxes

To GLE/1/1/1-GLE/1/1/9 item descriptions

GLE/1/2 - Sound recordings of interviews with Russian émigrés (1982-1986)

Previous numbers: part I item D

These interviews recorded on these tapes were recorded by Glenny and various assistants in preparation for the writing of "The Other Russia".

Contents: sound cassettes of interviews with Russian émigrés. The cassettes were numbered by Glenny in no discernable order but some tapes are missing and there others which are unnumbered but do not fit the gaps in the numbered sequence.

Access: is allowed only with authorisation of the Librarian and after a disclaimer has been signed

Copyright: is owned by the interviewees

4 boxes

See also:
1) there is a general name index at the end of the (hard copy only) catalogue that can be used to find out the tape number of each interviewee
2) GLE/1/3/1 has further details of some interviewees in a file ordered alphabetically by name and cross referenced by tape number
3) GLE/1/1/5-GLE/1/1/7 contains transcripts of some of these interviews, translated into English, the general name index at the end of the (hard copy only) catalogue can be used to ascertain whether a particular interview has been translated

To GLE/1/2/1-GLE/1/2/4 item descriptions

GLE/1/3 - Catalogues and indexes of informant information (1982-1986)

Previous numbers: part I items A1, A2, A3 and A4

The interviewees referred to in these catalogues and indexes were interviewed by Glenny and various assistants in preparation for the writing of "The Other Russia". The catalogues and indexes themselves were probably created by Glenny.

Contents: information on interviewees organised in alphabetical order by surname in a ring binder and in chronological order by year of birth on index cards, addresses of some informants and bibilography on index cards of Russian émigré memoirs and other related literature.

1 box and 1 outsize ring binder

To GLE/1/3/1-GLE/1/3/4 item descriptions

GLE/1/4 - Papers relating to emigration from Russia (1921-1985)

Previous numbers: part I items B2a, B2b, B2c, B2e and B3a

These papers were collected as background material probably by Glenny in preparation for the writing of "The Other Russia".

Contents: papers, mainly press cuttings re emigration from Russia including statistics on immigration and papers on émigré politics, the role of religion, Russian émigrés in Czechoslovakia and the work of the Tolstoy Foundation

1 box containing 5 folders

To GLE/1/4/1-GLE/1/4/5 item descriptions

To GLE/1 sub-group description

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This page last revised Wednesday 12 June 2013.