
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, 果冻影院

Catalogue of Betts Collection - BET/3/1-BET/3/6 item descriptions

BET/3/1 - Photostats and transcripts of manuscripts at Prague University Library relating to Peter Payne (circa) (1930s)

Contents: photostats and ms annotated ts transcripts of fifteenth century manuscripts from Prague University Library. The mansucripts relate to Peter Payne, an Englishman who fled England for Bohemia in 1414 to escape religious persecution and was involved in the Hussite movement there.

(Languages) Latin

1 envelope

BET/3/2 - Transcript of manuscript in Prague University Library entitled "Abortuiis" by Johannis Milicii (circa) (1930s)

Contents: ms transcript of fourteenth century manuscript (151pp) in Prague University Library entitled "Abortuiis" by Johannis Milicii. It is probable that Johannis Milicii is Jan Milíč, an early leader of the reform movement in Bohemia. The transcript is incomplete.

(Languages) Latin

1 folder

BET/3/3 - Transcripts and translations of documents in Prague University Library re Jan Hus (circa) (1930s)

Contents: ms transcripts of fifteenth century (mainly 1414-1415) documents in Prague University Library re and by the religious reformer Jan Hus. The folder is labelled "Palacký docs" and these papers are likely to be notes from a edition produced of the documents possibly by Czech historian František Palacký rather transcripts produced by Betts from the original documents. A few documents have been translated into English.

(Languages) English & Latin

1 folder

BET/3/4 - Transcripts of manuscripts in the Austrian National Library re John Wycliffe and the Bohemian Reformation (circa) (1930s)

Contents: ms transcripts of fifteenth century manuscripts in the Austrian National Library re the English religious reformer John Wycliffe and the association of his ideas with the Bohemian reformation. The transcripts are mainly of two manuscripts, "De trinitate" (208pp) and "Johannis Wyclif tractatus quintus secundi libri operis ejos de ente" (17pp)

(Languages) Latin

1 envelope

BET/3/5 - Transcripts of documents in the British Public Record Office and Bavarian archive re Bohemian Reformation (circa) (1930s)

Contents: ts and ms transcripts of seventeenth and fourteenth century manuscripts in respectively the British Public Record Office (PRO) and a Bavarian archive/library. The PRO document relates to the status of the king of Bohemia and the Bavarian document relates to the Bohemian Reformation more generally. Also contains a ms genealogical tree of the Bavarian royal family from the twelveth to the nineteenth centuries.

(Languages) English & Latin

1 folder

BET/3/6 - Translation of manuscript re the 1381 peasants revolt in Norfolk; Text of talk "The settlement and expansion of the Slavs" (1928;1948)

Contents: notebook containing a translation of part of a fourteenth century manuscript entitled "Historia Angliciana Vol II" by Thomas of Walsingham. The part of the manuscript that has been translated from Latin relates to the 1381 peasants rebellion in Norfolk; Notebook also contains notes taken from books on French history 1364-1422 and notes for a talk given at London University (?SSEES) in 1948 and 1949 on "The settlement and expansion of the Slavs".

(Languages) English

1 envelope containing 1 notebook

To BET/3 class description

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This page last revised Tuesday 11 June 2013.