
John Gordon 4th of Cluny

MP (Tory / West India interest)


Mired in Old Corruption in terms of electoral bribery etc. See Fisher entry for some details.

Strongly opposed to Parliamentary Reform. E.g. In the debates on a petition from the National Union of the Working Classes asking for the repeal of the Six Acts, Gordon said: 'These Political Unions were founded on what they called the "Rights of Man"— words used by the enemies of the British Constitution, and of everything that pertains to it.' HC Debates, 29 June 1831, vol IV, col. 470.

Strong anti-Catholic.

‘An almost silent supporter of the Liverpool, Canning and Wellington administrations.’ (Fisher, House of Commons, 1820-1832, vol. 5)

Elections / Constituences

Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Dorset
1826 - 1832