
Ann Mackenzie

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Widow, of Bath Somerst, and unsuccessful counterclaimant with Clifton Wintringham Loscombe as mortgagees on Verchild estate in St Kitts: costs were awarded against the pair, which indicated that the Commissioners regarded the claim as vexatious.


T71/879 St Kitts no. 623; counterclaim from Ann Mackenzie of City of Bath [Somerset], and Clifton Wintringham Loscombe of Pickwick house, Corsham, Wiltshire in right of himself or wife, under a mortgage in fee 拢8000. T71/1609 petition of Clifton Wintringham Loscombe of Pickwick house in the county of Wilts: Loscombe and Anne Mackenzie of Bath [Somerset] widow, were joint mortgagees, but had lost the deed, now had extracts: the original estate broke up and claims in different parcels. Clifton Wintringham Loscombe was married to Maria Frances Rawlins, and as such executor of Henry Brotherton Rawlins, and legatee of Joseph Rawlins. T71/1294 costs awarded versus Ann Mackenzie widow and CWL 14/12/1837. Caribbeana Vol VI p 152: will of Henry Brotherson Rawlins Calcutta May 4th 1817: 'My sister Maria Loscombe a box of ornaments and to C.W.Loscombe my silver teapot.'All else to dau. Marian now at Orphans School and a son living with me but not yet christened. Will proved by Clifton Wintringham Loscombe 3/10/1818.

Further Information

Married but no further details

Associated Claims (2)

£880 6s 4d
Unsuccessful claimant (Mortgagee)
£1,687 7s 10d
Unsuccessful claimant (Mortgagee)