
Lambert Blair & Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (4)

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Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a Cause Baillie against Blair, the Partnership Creditors of Matthew Munro, late of the Island of Grenada, in the West Indies, deceased, William Macfarlane, late of the same Island, deceased, James Blair, late of the fame Island, and Lambert Blair, of the Colony of Berbice, in South America, Merchant; and Copartners, who carried on Business together in the said Colony of Berbice, in South America, under the Firm of Lambert Blair and Co. are forthwith to come in and prove their Debts before John Spranger, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Decree.


London Gazette 15051 18/04/1798 p. 784.