
Gordon, Murphy & Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (2)

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  1. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately carried on by the undersigned Sir William Duff Gordon baronet, John Murphy and James Farrell in the City as merchants trading under Gordon, Murphy & Co. was dissolved by mutual consent 1st July last. As witness our hands 29/07/1816. Signed in Madrid.

  2. Port St. Mary's, October'5,1832. NOTICE is hereby given, that the trade or business of Wine-Merchant, and heretofore carried on by me, in the Kingdom of Spain, and in this Country, under the firm of William Duff Gordon and Company, has from the 31st day of December last, and will henceforth be carried on by Mr. Thomas Osborne, in conjunction with Mr. Cosmo Duff Gordon, of and at Port St. Mary, in the Kingdom of Spain, under the firm of Duff Gordon' and Company, on their sole account: As witness our hands this 4th day of September 1832. Caroline Duff Gordon. Thomas Osborne. Cosmo Duff Gordon


  1. London Gazette 17164 16/08/1816 p.1601.

  2. London Gazette 18998 27/11/1832 p. 2605.