
Nathaniel Harden & Son

Firm Details

People & Investments (1)

 Senior partner

Firm Evolutions (1)



  1. Partnership between James Wilde, Nathaniel Harden, John Boddy and John Jacques of Upper Thames St., trading under firm of Wilde, Harden, Boddy and Jacques, dissolved, carried on under the firm of Harden and Jacques by the two men, 1803

  1. Withdrawal of Harry Sedgwick as partner with Nathaniel Harden and John Jacques as Wholesale grocers in Upper Thames Street under firm of Harden and Jacques, 1818.

  1. Retirement of John Jacques from partnership with Nathaniel Harden the elder and younger and Philip Harden of Upper Thames St Wholesale grocers, 1822.

  1. Notice is given that partnership between Nathaniel Harden the elder, Nathaniel Harden the younger, Philip Harden and John Fisher Wholesale grocers in Upper Thames Street as Harden, Sons and Fisher dissolved as far as concerns Nathaniel Harden the younger, 听1831.


  1. London Gazette 15546 1/1/1803 p. 26

  1. London Gazette 17321 10/1/1818 p. 84

  1. London Gazette 17883 31/12/1822 p. 2141

  1. London Gazette 18860 14/10/1831 p. 2116.