
Trecothick & Roper

Firm Details

People & Investments (4)

 Name partner
 Name partner
 Name partner
 Name partner

Firm Evolutions (5)

1806 →
Thwaites & Wheelwright [?] [London Gazette]
1831 →
Thwaites, Trecothick & Company [London Gazette]
1834 →
6 Queen Street Place Upper Thames Street [Pigott 1832-1834]
1840 →
24 Rood Lane Fenchurch Street [P.O.]
1845 →
Trecothick, Roper & Son 126 Fenchurch Street [P.O.]


  1. Partnership of Francis Thwaites and Charles Apthorp Wheelwright which had operated since 30/4/1806 dissolved 1/7/1811, carried on by Francis Thwaites alone. Wheelwright was bankrupt the same month.

  1. Partnership between Francis Thwaites, James Trecothick the younger and John Henry Roper as West India merchants under the firm of Thwaites, Trecothick and Company dissolved 30/4/1831 so far as respects the said Francis Thwaites: continued by James Trecothick jun and John Henry Roper


  1. London Gazette 16500 29/6/1811 p. 1208; 16504 13/7/1811 p. 1307.

  1. London Gazette 18801 6/5/1831 p. 879.