
Yates Brothers

Firm Details

People & Investments (3)

 Name partner

Firm Evolutions (1)

1831 →
[London Gazette]


  1. Liverpool 8/7/1823 The partnership lately subsisting between John Ashton Yates, Ric[har]d V[aughan] Yates and John Priestley, under the firm of Yates, Brothers and Company expired 31/12 last and the Brokerage business will  be carried on in future under the firm of Yates, Brothers and Company by and on account of John Ashton Yates and John Priestley.

  2. Liverpool 9/2/1831: Partnership heretofore carried on by John Ashton Yates, John Priestley, Richard Griffith and Edward Cox, under the firm of Yates Brothers and Co., terminated on 31st December last


  1. London Gazette 17944 29/7/1823 p. 1247

2.London Gazette 18777 18/2/1831 p. 319