
John Crosthwaite & Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (1)

 Senior partner

Firm Evolutions (2)

1823 →
[London Gazette]
1827 →
19 James Street [Gore's]


  1. Dissolution 31/12/1822 of partnership between John Crosthwaite, John Wulf and John Brown trading under the firm of John Crosthwaite & Company in Liverpool and in the colony of Berbice as Wulff, Brown, so far as regards John Wulff.

  2. John Crosthwaite of Liverpool, possibly the same man, was made bankrupt in 1850.   


  1. London Gazette 17973 8/11/1823 p. 1875

  2. London Gazette 21082 2/4/1850 p. 974