
Ellice Kinnear

Firm Details

People & Investments (4)

 Name partner
 Investment in Firm
 Investment in Firm
 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (7)

1830 →
E and R Ellice and Co. [London Gazette]
1834 →
George Forsyth 145 Leadenhall Street [Pigott]
1834 →
145 Leadenhall Street [Pigott 1832-1834]
1840 →
George Forsyth 145 Leadenhall Street [P.O.]
1840 →
145 Leadenhall Street [P.O.]
1850 →
George Forsyth 145 Leadenhall Street [P.O.]
1850 →
145 Leadenhall Street [P.O.]


Edward Ellice was earlier a partner in Inglis Ellice (q.v.) from which he withdrew before its collapse

  1. Partnership of E and R Ellice and Co., dissolved as far as it concerns Edward Ellice, business carried on as Ellice Kinnear by Russell Ellice, George Forsyth and Geo. Kinnear, 22/11/1830.

  2. Partnership between Russell Ellice, George Kinnear, George Forsyth, William Ellice and Robert Ellice dissolved as far as Robert Ellice concerned, 1844.

  3. Partnership between Russell Ellice, George Kinnear, George Forsyth and William Ellice, carrying on business in Leadenhall Street as merchants under name of Ellice, Kinnear dissolved 31/12/1853.


  1. London Gazette 18748 23/11/1830 p. 2458

  2. London Gazette 20329 29/3/1844 p. 1091

  3. London Gazette 21508 3/1/1854 p. 22