
Rivulet Estate

Estate Details

Associated Claims (1)

£888 14S 3D


The Rivulet in the compensation records (Trinidad no. 1665) which is clearly linked nevertheless has far fewer enslaved people than in the 1828 Register.

Estate Information (5)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 18(Tot)  
[Name] Rivulet  
[Crop] Sugar  

Charles Collins, for himself and John Montgomerie, owners [increase by acquisition, purchase and 2 births].

T 71/511 271 - 272
[Number of enslaved people] 25(Tot)  
[Name] Rivulet  
[Crop] Sugar  

Charles Collins, owner, late the property of Charles Collins and John Montgomerie [increase by 3 births, 3 imports, 1 acquisition].

T 71/513 369
[Number of enslaved people] 73(Tot)  
[Name] Rivulet  
[Crop] Sugar  

Return of F.R. Wallen attorney, owned by Messrs Jos. Wilson and late the property of Chas. Collins

T71/515 1952
[Number of enslaved people] 19(Tot)  
[Name] Rivulet  
[Crop] Sugar  

George Hobson, manager, for Messrs Joseph Wilson & Co. of Dublin.

T 71/517 234 v - 235
[Number of enslaved people] 19(Tot)  
[Name] Rivulet  
[Crop] Sugar  

James McDonald, manager, for Thomas Wilson and Henry Daniel Brooke, owners, late the property of Joseph Wilson Son, Co. of Dublin.

T 71/519 294 v - 295