

Estate Details

Associated People (3)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
Not known

The linkage has yet to be confirmed between this estate and that willed by Richard Cooke Molineux.

1817 [EA] - 1831 [LA] → Mortgagee-in-Possession

Between 1817 and 1831 the Slave Registers show him variously as deceased owner or mortgagee-in-possession as surviving partner of Harper & Brade.

1817 [EA] - 1831 [LA] → Mortgagee-in-Possession

The estate was shown against William Harper as surviving partner in Harper and Brade variously as owner and mortgagee-in-possession between 1817 and 1831.

Associated Claims (1)

£714 17S 9D

Estate Information (6)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 28(Tot)  
[Name] Molyneux  

A loose insert found in the 1817 register reads: "Montserrat - Estate called Molyneux : about the year 1815 in the [interest ??] of John Tarleton, or Tarleton and Backhouse - agents, Harper & Brade - afterward Ashburner. 28 slaves in 1815,10 of which had been bought of Cabbell and Wycke and 17 bought of Bramley or else of G Luther. one Negro at Morson [sp?]. [The estate was] valued in 1815 at 拢2910".

T 71/447 318
[Number of enslaved people] 50(Tot)  
[Name] Moloneux's  

Returned by John Queely Fagan, attorney to the representatives of William Harper, late of Liverpool in Great Britain, merchant, deceased, who was the surviving partner of Harper and Brade, mortgagees in possession of the estate called Moloneux's [sic] in the Parish of Saint Anthony in the island of Montserrat for [19 enslaved people] belonging to the said estate. Separate entries which follow this one show give information about enslaved people who were not attached to the estate but worked there: 9 enslaved people 'the property of the late firm Harper and Brade and worked upon the said estate'; 15 enslaved people 'worked upon the said estate belonging to the late firm of Thomas Tarleton & Co.'; and 7 enslaved people "formerly ['owned' by] John Hughs [sic] Allers now belonging to the representatives of William Harper late of Liverpool, merchant, deceased and worked upon the aforesaid estate.

T 71/447 317-320
[Number of enslaved people] 48(Tot)  
[Name] Molineux's  

Returned by John Queely Fagan, attorney to the representatives of William Harper late of Liverpool in Great Britian, merchant, deceased, who was the surviving partner of Harper and Brade, mortgagees in possession of the estate called Molineaux in the parish of Saint Anthony in the island of Montserrat and the 16 enslaved people who were attached to the estate; This entry is followed by 3 others by Fagan concerning enslaved people who worked on the estate but who were not attached to it: 8 people belonged to the late firm of Harper and Brade; 17 people belonged to the late firm of Tarleton and Co; and 7 people formerly belonged to John Hugh Allens, but now belong to the representatives of William Harper.

T 71/448 136-138
[Number of enslaved people] 44(Tot)  
[Name] Molineux's  

Returned by Matthew William Blake as attorney to the representatives of William Harper, later of Liverpool in Great Britain, merchant decd.; 17 of the enslaved listed were attached to the estate, six belonged to Harper and Brade, 16 belonged to Thomas Tarleton and Co., and five belonged to William Harper.

T 71/449 24-25
[Number of enslaved people] 43(Tot)  
[Name] Molineaux  

Return of those on the Molineaux estate, totalled together, but with 4 separate subtotals, indicating ownership, all returned by Mathew William Blake as attorney. 20 enslaved people were owned by the representatives of William Harper, late of Liverpool in Great Britian, merchant, deceased, who was the surviving parner of Harper & Brade, mortgagees in posession of the estate; 4 enslaved people were owned by the late firm of Harper & Brade, worked on the said estate; 16 enslaved people were owned by the late firm Thomas Tarleton & Co., worked on the said estate; 3 enslaved people were owned by the representatives of William Harper, formerly belonging to John H Allen.

T 71/450 29-30
[Number of enslaved people] 43(Tot)  
[Name] Molineux's  

Return of Richard Symon Goodall, 'under an agreement to purchase [45 enslaved people] from the representatives of William Harper, late of Liverpool, deceased, late surviving partner of Harper and Brade mortgagees in possession of [the] estate'.

T 71/451 256-257