
Great Diamond

Estate Details

Associated Claims (1)

£13,180 14S 10D

Estate Information (4)

What is this?

[Name] Groot Diamant  
[Crop] Coffee  

Groot Diamant, shown as plantation no. 23 under the heading 'A la cote orientale de Demerarie', proprietaire Gehrecke, 1000 carreaux, K [coffee]

Carte Generale...Demerarie 'Liste des habitations...' [1798] University of Amsterdam Library 'Suriname 1599-1975'
[Number of enslaved people] 307(Tot) 127(F) 180(M)  
[Name] Big [sic] Diamond  

'G. Monteraux' registered 307 enslaved people on 'Big Diamond' in Demerara as proprietor in 1817. Presumably the same estate as Great Diamond for which the heirs of George Montauroux were awarded compensation.

T71/397 B1 134
[Number of enslaved people] 299(Tot) 130(F) 169(M)  
[Name] Great Diamond  

In the lawful possession of J.F. Sils the executor in this colony of the late G. Montauroux decd.

T71/416 1210-1217
[Number of enslaved people] 261(Tot) 117(F) 144(M)  
[Name] Great Diamond  

Belonging to Plant. Great Diamond and in the lawful possession of the heirs of George Montauroux decd. [signed Hy. Montauroux qq.]

T71/430 472-478