

Estate Details

Associated Claims (1)

£1,504 11S 3D
Inferred assocation


Not yet traced in the compensation records but probably Trinidad no. 1526A-C

Estate Information (6)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 17(Tot)  
[Name] Florissant  
[Crop] Sugar  

Peter F Le Blanc, owner [increase by purchase and import].

T 71/508 243 v - 244
[Number of enslaved people] 19(Tot)  
[Name] Florissant  
[Crop] Sugar  

Peter Louis Le Blanc and Francois Le Blanc, owners, late the property of Peter F Le Blanc [increase by purchase].

T 71/511 211
[Number of enslaved people] 21(Tot)  
[Name] Florissant  
[Crop] Sugar  

Francois Le Blanc, for himself and Peter Louis Le Blanc, owners, late the property of Peter F Le Blanc [increase by purchase].

T 71/513 215
[Number of enslaved people] 20(Tot)  
[Name] Florissant  
[Crop] Sugar  

Return of Francois LeBlanc, part owner with other heirs of the late Pierre Francois LeBlanc.

T71/515 1884
[Number of enslaved people] 30(Tot)  
[Name] Florissant  
[Crop] Sugar  

Pierre Louis Le Blanc, for himself and Francois Le Blanc, owners [increase by purchase and 1 birth].

T 71/517 175 v - 176
[Number of enslaved people] 29(Tot)  
[Name] Florissant  
[Crop] Sugar  

Francois Le Blanc, for Peter Francois Le Blanc, owner.

T 71/519 212 v - 213