
Benjamin Travers


Royal College of Surgeons Fellow

London - 16th Nov 1815 - 16th Mar 1858

Founded in 1800 as The Royal College of Surgeons in London, later of England. Its antecdents go back to the Fellowship of Surgeons, which was already over a century old when it was awarded a 'cognizance' (similar to a coat of arms) in 1492.


Travers admitted 1806; subsequently held a number of important posts in the Society:

1830: Member of the council in 1830

1833: Member of the veterinary examining committee

1838: Hunterian orator

1841-1858: examiner in surgery

1855: Chairman of the board of midwifery examiners

Vice-president: 1845, 1846, 1854, and 1855

President: 1847 and 1856

Source: Oxford DNB

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