
Elizabeth Murray (née Virgin)


Portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence

In her will made in 1852 proved in 1857, Elizabeth Murray left the 'portrait of myself' by Sir Thomas Lawrence to her daughter Sarah Joanna Webster. LBS has not been able to trace this portrait, although a payment for a painting for 'Mrs Murray' was recorded in Thomas Lawrence's accounts (drawn up in 1806), and Kenneth Garlick deduced from this the existence of a painting with Mrs Murray as the sitter.

GARLICK, KENNETH. "A Catalogue of the Paintings, Drawings and Pastels of Sir Thomas Lawrence." The Volume of the Walpole Society 39 (1962): 3-336. Accessed April 3, 2020. www.jstor.org/stable/41829342.

Further Information

Dispersal Date
30th Nov -0001