
James Buchanan of Moray Place


University of Glasgow Benefactor

1857 - ????

No description


In his Trust Disposition and Settlement of 17 February 1852, and three relative Codicils of 16, 17 and 20 May 1857, all registered in the Books of Council and Session on 15 February 1858, James Buchanan bequeathed £10,000 to the Merchants House to be placed in an Educational Trust to be used for ‘sons of decayed members of the Merchants House’. The relevant section of Buchanan’s settlement shows he bequeathed ‘for behoof of the Merchants House of Glasgow the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds…in name of the Merchants House Glasgow in Trust for Educational Purposes on behalf of the sons of decayed members of the said Corporation…to be exclusively appropriated and expended towards the Education of the sons of decayed members: and granting Bursaries to such of them as give evidence of future eminence in such a manner as the Directors of the Merchants House may deem best’. S. Mullen and S. Newman, Slavery, Abolition and the University of Glasgow report and recommendations of the University of Glasgow History of Slavery Steering Committee (2018) p. 32.