
Trinidad 1458A & B (Paradise and Cane Farm)

31st Jul 1837 | 194 Enslaved | £8304 0s 0d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 324.

Award split. 1458A: 拢4453 10s to Bickley. 1458B: 拢3850 10s to Highmoor.

T71/894 Claim by Benj. Bickley of Bristol as executor of Samuel Span deceased.

Counterclaims from inter alios Jas. Raper Highmoor of Ainderby Quernhow, Yorkshire, and Thomas Webb of Wellington, Shropshire, as representatives of Catherine Scrafton, a creditor by virtue of certain bonds and a mortgage dated 15/09/1810 and also articles of agreement and judgment for 拢10936 11s 6d.

Letter from Jas. Highmoor praying that a commission may issue to competent persons to examine Benj. Bickley relative to his counterclaim.

T71/1594 p. 94 summons dated 4/7/1837 to Benj. Bickley, requesting books of account.

Counterclaims also from Ann Latham of 14 Hunter Street, London, judgement creditor; Ann Bartlett of Nottingham Place, Marylebone, Middlesex, widow under bond dated 25/03/1806 for 拢5000 plus arrears of interest.

T71/1594 p 94: Benj. Bickley summoned by Court of Chancery on 04/07/1837.

T71/519 p2349: enslaved persons registered in 1834 by John Wilson as agent for heirs of Samuel Span.

T71/1305 Jas. Raper Highmoor counterclaimed as executor of Catherine Scrafton and also of Tho Webb administrator of mortgage and judgement.

T71/1305 shows Benj. Bickley as on behalf of the late firm of Wm Gibbons & Co; and counterclaim from Borradaile & Watson also.

Further Information

Claim No.
1458A & B
Paradise and Cane Farm

Associated Individuals (8)

Beneficiary deceased
Deceased awardee (Executor or executrix)
Other association
Unsuccessful claimant
Beneficiary deceased
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)

Associated Estates (1)