
Trinidad 1334 & B (Valsagne?)

10th Apr 1837 | 65 Enslaved | £351 6s 10d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 324.

Award split. 1334 (not marked as 1334A in Parliamentary Papers): 拢500 to Cipriani & Mansse [given as Mausse in the Parliamentary Papers]. 1334B: 拢2851 6s 10d to Bushe.

T71/894: claim by Robert Bushe, Port of Spain, trustee to the benefit of creditors; counterclaim from Sebastian Cipriani, merchant of Port of Spain as guardian of his son, legatee for 拢837 10s 8d.

Counterclaim admitted and settled at 拢500.

T71/1273: letter from Robert Bushe, No. 17 Albemarle Street, dated 30/09/1836 stating he had counted on the claim being settled, the counterclaim of Sebastian Cipriani had been agreed. 'I calculated on my attorneys receiving the claim which I had put in, with as much certainty as if it was a Bll of Exchange on the British Govt., and under such confident expectation I made engagements which it will be unprofitable for me to fulfil and my name as a merchant will be dishonoured, unless my cause is taken under consideration by your honourable Board.'

Further Information

Claim No.
1334 & B

Associated Individuals (3)

Awardee (Trustee)

Associated Estates (1)