
Tobago 60 & 61 (Inverawe & Argyle)

6th Feb 1837 | 204 Enslaved | £4128 17s 4d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 321.

Award split, though 60 and 61 are bracketed together. Claim no. 60 shown as 113 enslaved persons and no. 61 as 91 enslaved persons. 拢2064 8s 8d to each of Mello and Henderson Macdougall, i.e. Claims 60 & 61 aggregated and then split 50/50.

T71/891: claim by Daniel H. Rucker, executor of Jas Campbell. Counterclaim by Alexander Macdougall of Bushey Leys, Streatham Co. of Surrey, assignee in trust of certain annuities (Alex. Henderson Macdougall was his son and executor). Other counterclaims from Scotland, including George Aitchison of Leith as receiver in Nisbett v McGowan;. Counterclaim from Thomas Dorrien, Magens Dorrien Magens, John Mello etc bankers of 22 Finch Lane, mortgagees under inde of 14/07/1818 amount claimed 拢3500 and upwards.

T71/1304: Alex. Henderson Macdougall's claim was based on the marriage settlement of John McKinnon Campbell and Christina Fyffe assigned by Christina Campbell to Alexander Macdougall.

Times 19/11/1821 p. 1: these estates - Argyle and Invoca - were put up for auction in London in 1821 as 'formerly the property of James Campbell Esq.', with details available through D.H. and J.A. Rucker, Mincing Lane, and Mr Alexander Macdougall of Lincoln's Inn, solicitor (as well as through Glasgow merchants Archibald Newall and Duncan McGown.).

T71/1593: letter to J. Briggs, 55 Lincolns Inn Fields, re these claims. J. Briggs was agent for Bogle & Hamilton.

T71/1593 p. 165: letter dated 15/04/1836 to J.J. Fraser 57 Albany St, Edinburgh, Scotland with details of counterclaims.

Further Information

Claim No.
60 & 61
Inverawe & Argyle

Associated Individuals (10)

Other association
Beneficiary deceased
Other association
Unsuccessful claimant (Executor or executrix)
Deceased claimant successful (Trustee)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Mortgagee)
Awardee (Mortgagee)

Associated Estates (1)