
St Kitts 455 (Pump)

26th Oct 1835 | 102 Enslaved | £1759 15s 0d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 91.

T71/879: claim by John Rawlins. 'Awarded to "David Evans"'. No explanation is given.

H[enry] R[awlins] E[vans], of Bristol, had attorneys for St Kitts claim nos. 455-9 and 522 (see also T71/1609: letter, dated 04/11/1835, from HRE).

See also St Kitts claim no. 522.

T71/1032: includes an undated note which states, 'I hereby assign and transfer unto David Evans Esq. all my right to the compensation for the hundred and two slaves mentioned in the annexed claim'; signature proved in front of Henry L. Stephenson, 25/09/1835.

Further Information

St Kitts
Claim No.
Collected by
Evans, HR of HRE and J(?)Edgar

Associated Individuals (3)

Other association
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual)

Associated Estates (1)