
Jamaica Vere 70 (New Yarmouth Estate)

5th Oct 1835 | 236 Enslaved | £4836 4s 7d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 19.

T71/858: claim from 'The heirs of the Earl of Dudley as owners'. The awardees were trustees.

T71/962: letter, dated 14/09/1835, from the solicitors (Alban & Benbow) for the trustees and executors of the late Earl of Dudley, enclosing an extract from the will of the Earl of Dudley. Begs compensation to be awarded to Philpotts etc., the executors and trustees. Hibbert Oates had made a claim on the part of the heirs of the Earl of Dudley instead of the trustees: 'we presume as they are uncontested this mistake is unimportant'.

Summary of will of 26 July 1831: after reciting amongst other things that 'he was entitled to the remainder or reversion in fee simple expectant upon his own death and failure of  the issue male of his body of or in several plantations...situate in the Island of Jamaica late of or belonging to his grandmother Mary Viscountess Dudley and Ward....gave and devised unto certain trustees The Rt Hon George Earl of Aberdeen and the Rt Hon James Abercromby...his said remainder and reversion of or in all and singular the said plantations and estates and the negro and other slaves thereon to hold them...to the uses upon and for the trusts...and purposes in his said will and in part hereafter mentioned viz in default of heirs of his body and subject with other estates to an Annuity of six thousand pounds to his cousin the Rev. William Humble Ward now Lord Ward for his life to the use of the Rt Rev H Lord Bishop of Exeter (Devon), the Rt Hon Edward John Baron Hatherton, then Edward John Littleton, Francis Downing Esq. and John Benbow Esq. for the term of 500 years upon trust during the term of 12 years to raise annually such sums for the person entitled in remainder to his estates until he should attain the age of twenty-five years as in the said will mentioned. And then to raise certain sums for the maintenance and education of the younger children of the said Lord Ward and also for portions for such younger children as in the said will mentioned. And the said Testator directed that his last named trustees should recevie the rents and profits of his Mines and Estates during the said term of twelve years and apply the same in discharge of any sums charged upon the said estates and lay out and invest the residue in the purchase of freeholds copyholds or leasehold estates...And the said testator of his said will appointed the said Bishop of Exeter, EJBaronH, FD and JB executors'. The Earl of Dudley died on 6 March 1833 a bachelor; the will was proved on 17 September 1833 'by the four executors'.

Further Information

Claim No.
New Yarmouth Estate
Collected by
Benbow, John [and JHRichardson, 23 Cornhill, Mr Richardson known to S Higham.]

Associated Individuals (6)

Other association
Other association
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Awardee (Trustee)
Awardee (Trustee)

Associated Estates (1)